Stormy Weather

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  • marthe

    Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post

    Sky is recovering from a bruised leg, hurt when she collided with a half-open door. She's a bit of a sissy and shrieked something terrible. She does seem to be getting a winter coat; also the distinctive 'ruff' around her neck andf a very bushy tail. Apparently they cover their noses with their tails in extremely cold weather. Will post a new pic soon.
    Mahlerei: poor Sky! I hope her leg is healing! I'm sure her new winter coat with ruff looks very smart. I look forward to seeing new pics!


    • greenilex
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 1626

      Both the American dogs I know well have had knee replacement operations. I kid you not. Bionic bow-wows.


      • Mahlerei


        Good grief. thankfully Sky's recovered and as mischievous as ever. When people leave the house she races upstairs and sits on the bed watching for their return. I look up at the window and there she is, waiting patiently.


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post

          Good grief. thankfully Sky's recovered and as mischievous as ever. When people leave the house she races upstairs and sits on the bed watching for their return. I look up at the window and there she is, waiting patiently.
          I'm also looking forward to some more pix of Sky in due course Mahlerei. And she's not 'sissy',she's a girl dog after all. I won't call her a b....


          • Mahlerei


            No, she's not really a sissy, just new to pain I suppose. She hates teh hoover and goes berserk when I take it anywhere hear her. At the mo she's at the top of the stairs gnawing a bone. Will try and get some decent pix this weekend. and distribute them among her adoring fans :)

            Last edited by Guest; 23-09-11, 18:49.


            • marthe

              Mahlerei, Sky has such a lovely, intellegent expression. I look forward to seeing more pics. Greenilex, I'm not at all surprised at the "bionic" American pooches! Ironic that there are human beings in the US of A who can't afford knee replacemants or Prozac (yes there is Doggy Prozac!) We would cringe when we took our three cats (know as "The Gang") off to the vets for their yearly injections because the bill was staggering! We're lucky enough to health insurance for ourselves, but that doesn't extend to our pets, though it is available for those who can afford it!


              • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 9173

                apologies for the forecast of a premature freeze! seems we may face a mini Indian Summer
                According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                • salymap
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5969

                  Good afternoon marthe and all stormyweatherites. What a lovely dog. I have cousins who spend pounds at the vet with Gerbils, goldfish, cat and two dogs. The vets are on to a good thing but one can't let beloved animals suffer.

                  On topic, sunny here today but quite chilly to me. Perhaps it's because I put a short sleeved top on ready for my annual flu-jab later today. Unlike the animals this is on the NHS.


                  • Anna

                    This morning - lovely to go out in lightweight top and without jacket! 18 (65) here and 24(75) promised for Tuesday/Wednesday. If there is to be an Indian Summer then I welcome it before we descend into the third horrendous Winter in a row. Have picked what apples I can, the best of the crop too high up of course and blackbirds are now feasting on them. Might make some sort of tart, also need to use up pears. Looking forward to further pix of Sky as well, such a beautiful face.


                    • vinteuil
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 13194

                      yes, lovely here in W12. Yesterday evening a gentle walk down to Hammersmith for a piano trio charity concert in aid of the Emery Walker trust - quite balmy, almost felt like late summer; and this morning walking to Shepherd's Bush market to get the makings of a mirepoix for the weekend chicken - happy to be just in shirtsleeves, no need for jacket. And they promise us really seriously warm weather later this week!


                      • Petrushka
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 12436

                        Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
                        apologies for the forecast of a premature freeze! seems we may face a mini Indian Summer
                        Would prefer a real summer than one of the Indian variety. The holiday season is over, the Proms have finished and the nights are drawing in. An Indian summer is poor compensation and won't last long anyway. And this is, I think, the third such in a row.
                        "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                        • marthe

                          We're in between downpours at the moment. Although the temps are balmy (low 70s), the air is juicy and oppresive. No sign of sun for the next day or so. We'll have a real steam bath when it does come out!

                          saly, good luck with the flu jab. My mother is having hers sometime this week. I suppose I should get into the habit of having one too, but usually manage to get through the winter with no more than a minor sniffle or two. Must be that the cold temps in our old, draughty house have toughened me up! Ha! Nannying health insurance provider keeps sending me reminders that I need to do flu jabs (called "shots" here...not to be confused with shots of whiskey).


                          • doversoul1
                            Ex Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 7132

                            When I took my hamster to the vet’s for the umpteenth time, he let me out by the side door. Good old days.

                            As for Indian summer, if the weather stays like this for a little longer, my late dwarf beans may come to something. They are late variety but even so it was too late to plant them out but I didn’t like to throw the plants away.


                            • Anna

                              Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                              As for Indian summer, if the weather stays like this for a little longer, my late dwarf beans may come to something
                              And my Jalapenos are crying out for some warmth! As far as I'm concerned this warm spell can stay as long as it likes, it was wonderful this morning to feel the sun on my back and on my face and, perhaps, we might have some warm evenings to enable us to sit out and watch the sunset without donning a fleece and boots.


                              • salymap
                                Late member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 5969

                                Some neighbours in the road at the bottom of my garden, asked if they could pick up some Bramleys from the grass verge the other side of my fence. I said yes of course and so far I have a promise of some help in the garden from one girl and a really lovely fruit cake, apparently boiled in a saucepan, from her ma in law. If you all lived nearer there are apples and to spare this year. I'm afraid they will all rot if no-one wants them.

