Originally posted by Stillhomewardbound
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In August I discovered my bike had incurred a puncture while I was attending a chamber prom at Cadogan Hall. Cursing myself for not having brought repair kit with me, I wheeled the bike to Victoria mainline station, intending to board the train back to Sydenham Hill or Gipsy Hill with it , my 2 nearest stations. At the barrier I was informed that bikes were only permitted on trains if of the folding type, which mine is not. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I took the bike out of the station and padlocked it to a nearby lamp post, intending to return, by train, the next day, and retrieve it, all the while mindful of Westminster council's new policy of confiscating cycles tethered in undesignated locations.
Fortunately, my computer whizz kid, who was visiting later that evening by car, insisted on driving me to the spot, loading it into the back of his estate, and bringing it home. On thanking him, he retorted that the bike would not have been there the following day.
Questioning the action of the guard in barring me from boarding a train with bicycle, my next-door neighbour, now retired, but for many decades an employee of London Transport, said the man had no right, unless it was during a so-called peak period; but this was only 4 pm. I must admit to not having further checked on this matter, although I was rather hoping to be taking my bike on the newly extended E London line (which I use regularly for getting to Dalston), and changing at Whitechapel for the District for Upminster. Now I have no idea if this benefit has been completely removed.
