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  • Anna

    Dully, grey, windy and muggy here. Can I remind people that this weekend is European Heritage Open Doors? That's what I'll be doing all afternoon (but I think London has it next weekend) so you get a chance to go into all those buildings not normally accessible to the public.


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Foranyone wholived through the Blitz it was the small light-hearted things that kept us going, as many a Serviceman or wife left at home would agree. It's just that there is so much about Riots, Libya, otner conflicts on this thread,but right, I don't have to read them, not being able to affect their outcome and what do Iknow.? Switch on the World Service in the night and there will always be screams and gunfire in the news. Do we NEED all the sound effects. That's ALL?


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38185

        Originally posted by salymap View Post
        Foranyone wholived through the Blitz it was the small light-hearted things that kept us going, as many a Serviceman or wife left at home would agree. It's just that there is so much about Riots, Libya, otner conflicts on this thread,but right, I don't have to read them, not being able to affect their outcome and what do Iknow.? Switch on the World Service in the night and there will always be screams and gunfire in the news. Do we NEED all the sound effects. That's ALL?
        For me, the annual jingo of the Last Night and My Religion/Belief System/whatever Right Or Wrong all go neatly together. So, not wanting to de-fumigate or re-consecrate my flat (or maybe I should say appartment) I shall definitely NOT be listening or watching out on telly for any,er, friends among the Prom audience tonight.


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Morning all, wet but at least I got someone to cut the grass for me yesterday. The world seems to be going mad but must keep up appearances and not disappear in a sort of hayfield.

          Have a good day


          • Anna

            Sorry to see you had a migraine last night saly and didn't catch LNOTP (you didn't miss a lot!)

            Yesterday, European Heritage Open Day, was wonderful. Highlight for me was being allowed into a Masonic Temple (built in 1797) and some 18th c. townhouses, plus I bought a book about Catholic recusants in South Wales (simple things keep me amused!)


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              'morning Anna, your day sounds a lot more interesting than the Last Night.

              Lucky you to live in Wales.


              • Anna

                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                'morning Anna, your day sounds a lot more interesting than the Last Night.

                Lucky you to live in Wales.
                No saly, it's EH all over the UK this weekend (London have it next weekend) so today everything still open!


                • BBMmk2
                  Late Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20908

                  Rather autumnal day today. Autumn certainly with us now!!
                  Don’t cry for me
                  I go where music was born

                  J S Bach 1685-1750


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38185

                    Originally posted by salymap View Post
                    Morning all, wet but at least I got someone to cut the grass for me yesterday.
                    I suppose you could ask about hiring a sheep, sal

                    Breezy today here in Upper Dulwich (lower case in my case, ahem), but surprisingly warm when sun is out. That's the orange thing in the sky one must'nt ever look directly at, not the newspaper. Somehow makes the pre-lunch Tio Pepe (large schooner, naturally) taste even better. Hope it stays fine for the service outside the American Embassy.

                    Now, back in March of '68, I just happened to be passing that way when... (Contd. P 675)


                    • salymap
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5969

                      Afternoon S_A the sheep joke has been done before It would probably finish up on the neighbour's BBQ.

                      My garden is covered at the bottom with windfall apples. If they weren't usually a bit iffy [maggoty] in the core area I might try standing at the front gate trying to flog them. Then it would be counted on my pension and I'd probably get six months. No room for free enterprise these days.


                      • antongould
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 8871

                        It is with great shame that I have to admit that Lady Gould demands we take the Phone Hacking Times on Sundays (for Style magazine I understand!). In an idle moment I scanned the headlines most of much implore us to feel sorry for those struggling to work out ways to avoid paying the 50p tax rate. However on page 4 the headline screams "FLABBY KENT BULKS OUT OBESITY LEAGUE". We always knew this as we shovelled the coal in and out of our baths up here!


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          Well Anton, I can't speak for the other Kent/London posters but I am glad to say that I am skinny rather than flabby. But I am sure that Waldhorn, Mahlerei, Doversoul and any others are as slim as I am, so there.

                          We don't live on potatoes and stodge like some parts of the country, you see.


                          • amateur51

                            Originally posted by salymap View Post
                            Well Anton, I can't speak for the other Kent/London posters but I am glad to say that I am skinny rather than flabby. But I am sure that Waldhorn, Mahlerei, Doversoul and any others are as slim as I am, so there.

                            We don't live on potatoes and stodge like some parts of the country, you see.
                            Wasn't it it apple crumble last time you reported back, salymap?


                            • antongould
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 8871

                              It was the Chelsea bun jibe that really hurt Am_51!!!!!


                              • mercia
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 8920

                                I thought the obesity capital of Britain was supposed to be the Spalding area of Lincolnshire, because apparently the historic local dish comprises mainly of potatoes to give them energy to work out in the fields but these days that work is carried out by East Europeans (well that's the theory I've heard anyway).

