Mild but rainy here in NYC-- yesterday on my daily walk, I saw a rainbow:

Here's a little something I'll bet you didn't know:
"In Amazonian cultures, rainbows have long been associated with malign spirits that cause harm, such as miscarriages and (especially) skin problems. In the Amuesha language of central Peru, certain diseases are called ayona’achartan, meaning "the rainbow hurt my skin". A tradition of closing one's mouth at the sight of a rainbow in order to avoid disease appears to pre-date the Incan empire."
Ha! Good timing in any event, as I recently read a tutorial on how to take better photos of rainbows-- if you're a photographer, don't miss this site-- lots of great stuff!
Cheers, ~E.

Here's a little something I'll bet you didn't know:
"In Amazonian cultures, rainbows have long been associated with malign spirits that cause harm, such as miscarriages and (especially) skin problems. In the Amuesha language of central Peru, certain diseases are called ayona’achartan, meaning "the rainbow hurt my skin". A tradition of closing one's mouth at the sight of a rainbow in order to avoid disease appears to pre-date the Incan empire."
Ha! Good timing in any event, as I recently read a tutorial on how to take better photos of rainbows-- if you're a photographer, don't miss this site-- lots of great stuff!

Cheers, ~E.