Stormy Weather

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  • Eudaimonia

    Mild but rainy here in NYC-- yesterday on my daily walk, I saw a rainbow:

    Here's a little something I'll bet you didn't know:

    "In Amazonian cultures, rainbows have long been associated with malign spirits that cause harm, such as miscarriages and (especially) skin problems. In the Amuesha language of central Peru, certain diseases are called ayona’achartan, meaning "the rainbow hurt my skin". A tradition of closing one's mouth at the sight of a rainbow in order to avoid disease appears to pre-date the Incan empire."

    Ha! Good timing in any event, as I recently read a tutorial on how to take better photos of rainbows-- if you're a photographer, don't miss this site-- lots of great stuff!

    Cheers, ~E.


    • Stillhomewardbound
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 1109

      The paragon, blackheath

      Unlce Monty, Mangerton ...

      Michael Searles's Paragon was completed in 1805 and is a Grade 1 listed terrace.

      There are six main blocks and when originally built they would have been intended as single homes with a servants hall etc in the basement. I would imagine that the colonaded sections would have contained the morning/breakfast room, but these days the development is enitrely split into flats.

      Two of the main blocks were destroyed in WWII as a result of V2 rocket strikes, however, these were entirely rebuilt and restored under the aegis of the Festival of Britain programme.



      • Anna

        Nice pictures! We had 5cm of snow on Monday, since then not a flake has fallen which is unusual for this part of S.E. Wales. Last night got to -9.6 and at the moment (10.30am) it's -4.2 and sunny now fog has lifted. Commiserations to all those badly affected by the weather, in particular commuters struggling to get into and out of work.


        • mercia
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 8920

          A woman who dialled 999 to report the theft of a snowman from outside her home is branded "completely irresponsible" by Kent Police.


          • Uncle Monty

            Originally posted by Stillhomewardbound View Post
            Unlce Monty, Mangerton ...

            Michael Searles's Paragon was completed in 1805 and is a Grade 1 listed terrace.

            There are six main blocks and when originally built they would have been intended as single homes with a servants hall etc in the basement. I would imagine that the colonaded sections would have contained the morning/breakfast room, but these days the development is enitrely split into flats.

            Two of the main blocks were destroyed in WWII as a result of V2 rocket strikes, however, these were entirely rebuilt and restored under the aegis of the Festival of Britain programme.

            Good heavens, I'm amazed by by own brilliance (or guesswork)

            I should say I've never actually been to Blackheath, but we were househunting back in the 90s and had brochures of the place. Stuck in the old memory, it seems.


            • Donnie Essen

              God, this weather sucks. I like snow a whole lot, but my train station's been closed two days in a row. No services at all. But unlike those outside o' London, I still got the means to make my way into town, on the overly-packed busses and tubes, so there ain't no excuses for ol' Donnie. Gotta jostle with the angry masses for what inches I can get. Gotta fight my path. Gotta be all heroic about it so I can get here and sit on my ass all day.

              Still, ain't so bad as a couple year ago. I tell ya, that time, they didn't even have the salt to put down on Brixton Hill, so even the busses were cancelled. I walked for over an hour, slowly, carefully (even slower 'cause I had my beau with me and chicks can't walk right at the best of times), and we were going downhill on snow and ice, and we got the tube, and I got all the way there to work to find it closed, 'cause no-one else got in. My colleagues, folks who live outside o' London, in Hertfordshire and Berkshire and whatnot, they ain't got to do nothin'. Train ain't going, they just go home, make their li'l phone call and then put their feet up.

              That is classic, though.


              • Eine Alpensinfonie
                • Nov 2010
                • 20589

                This afternoon, I'm going to teach in a school that is actually OPEN. Nearly all of them have closed now for 3 days.


                • mangerton
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3346

                  Shb, Thanks for the info.


                  • BBMmk2
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20908

                    We got the car out today!! Yay!!
                    Don’t cry for me
                    I go where music was born

                    J S Bach 1685-1750


                    • sigolene euphemia

                      O! Gosh Euda this is the very photo and post that just might make me loosen my grip on gadgets and have this ability myself. For all I do see and read and the managing of tech we maintain as household rules for living ( especially when it comes to respect of others ) I just may loosen the grip upon my very self. One rule we have acquired with grace is that when wearing earbuds out and about; to remove them where ever when a person is in about a 5' range.

                      This is truly a fine exciting way of sharing through the ether. Thank you Euda.

                      kind wishes,


                      • sigolene euphemia


                        What a treat of a link for a 'bowl full of jelly laugh' this day !



                        • mercia
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 8920

                          Originally posted by sigolene euphemia View Post
                          'bowl full of jelly laugh'


                          • salymap
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5969

                            Morning anton gould. Did you get my reply from another place? If not I will try again later.

                            I'm not looking at weather until I've had some brekkie. Just watched a friend's arrival at Heathrow on Airport Arrivals. Welcome back Guy xx


                            • Eudaimonia

                              Morning Sal! Here's a pic someone took of Central Park in the snow...not there yet, thank goodness!


                              • salymap
                                Late member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 5969

                                HiEuda, thanks for that. Have had some good pics of snow with emails including views from Devon,Hampshire and Bournemouth. I'm very sorry that I couldn't film my icicles as they were SOMETHING. One over the backdoor was at least 2 feet, ? 50cm ? but has crashed down in the night, sal

