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  • Mahlerei


    If that's true then why do I get chatted up by burly blokes with thuggish dogs called Duke?



    • Anna

      Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post

      If that's true then why do I get chatted up by burly blokes with thuggish dogs called Duke?

      Oh, maybe it's your hairspray or something Honey? (That's a Zappa quote!)


      • salymap
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5969

        Moving hurredly on..................morning all and special message to Anton in the Boarders. Autumnal and murky again. Congratulations on your news.

        I'm looking forward to Smetana Ma Vlast on Wednesday. Hope the weather improves for the Prom queues.


        • antongould
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 8871

          Decidely autumnal up here too - yes looking forward to Wednesday rather than the sudden rash of Gould weddings that salymap seems to think merit congratulations..............dare I say in this backwater of mists and mellow fruitfulness that I am enjoying SMP on Breakfast this morning - interesting discussion on the Gothic!


          • salymap
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5969

            I am not a happy bunny. Have just crossed to the shops across the road. On return can see that my TV aerial is partly missing/outof kilter, also side guttering of bungalow is hanging down, due, no doubt, to high winds lately. Local builder/plumber has just closed down. HELP!


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              Sorry I moaned, Guttering has temporary repairs but aerial willhave to wait. But my overgrown beech hedge has had its yearly cut.

              Weather can only get better, enjoy the Prom tonight.


              • Chris Newman
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 2100

                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                Moving hurredly on..................morning all and special message to Anton in the Boarders. Autumnal and murky again. Congratulations on your news.

                I'm looking forward to Smetana Ma Vlast on Wednesday. Hope the weather improves for the Prom queues.
                So am I as I hope to queue on Wednesday.


                • marthe

                  Just checking in from sunny (or not so sunny today) Rhode Island. It's finally become hot (90s F Weds-Sun) so autumnal weather is a long way off. We've just booked rooms at our favorite B&B in Vermont for a brief holiday in mid September. We like to go up for a British car rally in Stowe (home of the von Trapps) and to poke around the pretty towns of the nearby Mad River Valley. I can hardly wait! Newport is a lovely place in the summer but so full of visitors from elsewhere that it's a joy to get away and go somewhere else for a few days!

                  Saly: I hope your gutter and aerial get fixed PDQ! We've got a dodgy gutter in the front of our house. I've been up on a ladder trying to fix it but it needs more attention than I'm capable of giving it.

                  I hope the weather is OK for all you prom queuers. I'll have to listen online to the Smetana as I'm quite fond of Ma Vlast!


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Morning marthe and all. Slightly better at the moment but rain is 'promised'. Your holiday in Vermont sounds interesting, especially Mad River Valley.
                    Isuppose it's a mixed blessing to live in a holiday resort as one's favourite places become crowded.

                    Thanks marthe, guttering has had emergency repair but a wasps' nest has been discovered in the damaged bit, or behind it in the loft. Never mind, it will get sorted. best wishes


                    • PJPJ
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 1461

                      Originally posted by salymap View Post
                      Morning marthe and all. Slightly better at the moment but rain is 'promised'. Your holiday in Vermont sounds interesting, especially Mad River Valley.
                      Isuppose it's a mixed blessing to live in a holiday resort as one's favourite places become crowded.

                      Thanks marthe, guttering has had emergency repair but a wasps' nest has been discovered in the damaged bit, or behind it in the loft. Never mind, it will get sorted. best wishes
                      I hope you managed to find a new plumber - there's a reference to Sidcup and plumbers in the current "Round the Horne" of 4Extra:

                      Kenneth Horne is all at sea, plus advice from homeopathic practitioners Julian and Sandy.


                      • salymap
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 5969

                        Thanks PJPJ, I'll look later when I've put the shopping away. From whatI remember of that programme some dodgy reference I guess.

                        Used to like KH in Much Binding in the Marsh when I was a kid. He and Richard Murdoch were really RAF officers but it was a very funny radio prog them, the other lead was Sam Costa. long before your time.


                        • marthe

                          Don't get stung, saly (by the wasps)!


                          • Mahlerei

                            Hi marthe

                            Haven't seen you here for a bit.

                            Sky turning out to be a great pup, full on energy and - given half a chance - quite wild :)

                            How's the weather across the Pond?


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38184

                              This should give you the 5-day forecast for Newport, Rhode Island:

                              Hmmm, quite hot - I'm envious. Couldn't sleep through those warm humid nights though



                              • marthe

                                Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
                                Hi marthe

                                Haven't seen you here for a bit.

                                Sky turning out to be a great pup, full on energy and - given half a chance - quite wild :)

                                How's the weather across the Pond?
                                Hi Mahlerei, Sound's as if Sky is coming along nicely! my aunt always took her huskies to a dog obedience class run by a very tiny (in stature) Englishwoman who had a commanding voice and demeanour...and a whole fleet of cairn terriers at her feet. No one dared set a foot, or paw, wrong, especially the bigger dogs who were afraid of Mrs. Winslow's dogs! Needless to say, the huskies all learned to sit, stay, heel etc.

                                The weather is now quite hot and dry which means quite a bit of lugging the watering can around the garden lest the plants wilt too much! Our water rates have gone through the roof to finance various improvements to the municipal water system, so we use the hosepipe conservatively. I find myself tossing "grey water" on my flower beds, just as my frugal grandmother used to do.

