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  • amateur51

    Oh she looks a cracker, mahlerei! Congrats

    PS: I'm still concerned about the buns


    • vinteuil
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 13194

      ... and the David Bowie eyes - one brown one blue - well classy!


      • Mahlerei


        Don't worry, buns and pooch in separate parts of the house. Buns don't seem in least perturbed by the new arrival.


        • Stillhomewardbound
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 1109

          Gosh, what a beauty. I'd photograher her, or is it he, for a free cream tea!


          • Mahlerei


            'Tis a she. And thanks to all for the compliments. I'll pass them on :)


            • marthe

              She's a beauty Mahlerei! I've never seen an all-white husky before. My aunt had a succession of huskies from about 1960 until she died in 2002. They were all girls and had coats ranging from silver-grey to black and white. They all had blue eyes. Very intelligent dogs with nice personalities. Does yours have name yet? I'm glad that the buns are taking this in their stride. It's good to have "the peacable kingdom" with pets.


              • salymap
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 5969

                Much fresher feel to the air today, thank goodness, Perhaps the weather will suit us better if the dreadful humidity stays away.


                • Mahlerei

                  Originally posted by marthe View Post
                  She's a beauty Mahlerei! I've never seen an all-white husky before. My aunt had a succession of huskies from about 1960 until she died in 2002. They were all girls and had coats ranging from silver-grey to black and white. They all had blue eyes. Very intelligent dogs with nice personalities. Does yours have name yet? I'm glad that the buns are taking this in their stride. It's good to have "the peacable kingdom" with pets.
                  Hi marthe

                  Glad you like her. She's called Sky. And yes, very intelligent; I was blocking the door to the garden yesterday and she jumped up on an old hutch against the wall and poked her head through the open window. She can't go out in public until her course of injections is complete - in about 10 days - so she's got a lot of energy to burn off. Fortunately my son has taken up running so she'll be able to run with him


                  • Mahlerei

                    Hi Sal

                    Yes, it is a lot fresher in Kent today/ Looks like it may be a very pleasant weekend as well.


                    • marthe

                      Our weather has turned pleasant as well. Blue skies, low humidity and just the right amount of breeze to cool things off but not blow off one's hat! Good sailing weather too, especially for the second group of sailors who left for the Lizard yesterday. This is the 2011 Trans-Atlantic race between Castle Hill light in Newport, RI and Lizard Point, Cornwall. The first group went out on Sunday and the last group leaves this coming Sunday. Three groups in all of sailors and boats from the US, England, S. Africa, Lithuania, Germany and other places. They should make land in 10-15 days. Fair winds and following seas to them all!

                      Mahlerei: what a lovely name for your new husky!

                      saly: I'm glad you're enjoying more pleasant weather!


                      • salymap
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 5969

                        Seems like a reasonable morning today, haven't been out yet though. Hope it keeps fine for the tennis, I'm sure things like Wimbledon and the Proms are on superspeed. They start and then are over. Half the year gone.
                        Good luck marthe and all, I want a husky dog now.


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38184



                          • amateur51

                            Gorgeous day here in NW2 - big fluffy clouds, bright blue sky, temp about 22 degrees at a guess, gentle breeze, got me patio door open to warm sundry joints ... and friends have invited me out to theirs for dinner ce soir so I must find nice bottle of wine from my stash


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38184

                              Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                              Gorgeous day here in NW2 - big fluffy clouds, bright blue sky, temp about 22 degrees at a guess, gentle breeze, got me patio door open to warm sundry joints ... and friends have invited me out to theirs for dinner ce soir so I must find nice bottle of wine from my stash
                              Pretty nice here too in SE19, am51, though I guess we're probably a little more exposed to the NW wind currently blowing. Looks like it's gonna warm up some more by the weekend, though luckly not as much as a few days ago. My good friend in Toronto has just phoned to say it's hot there "at last", following a cool spring. Today's Canada Day, as happens, and she's off to the local military parade, ears stuffed with cotton wool to ward off the effects of massed bagpipes!



                              • mangerton
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 3346

                                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                                Today's Canada Day, as happens, and she's off to the local military parade, ears stuffed with cotton wool to ward off the effects of massed bagpipes!

                                Oh! I'm very offended! Anyway, they're much more effective indoors. Cue bagpipe joke....

                                Donald MacDonald from the Isle of Skye (or maybe it was Neil McNeil from Barra, but anyway..) went to study at an English university and was living in the hall of residence with all the other students there. After he had been there a month, his mother came to visit him (no doubt carrying reinforcements of tatties, salt herring, oatmeal and whisky).
                                "And how do you find the English students, Donald?" she asked.
                                "Mother," he replied, "they're such terrible, noisy people. The one on that side keeps banging his head on the wall and won't stop. The one on the other side screams and screams all night."
                                "Oh Donald! How do you manage to put up with these awful noisy English neighbours?"
                                "Mother, I do nothing. I just ignore them. I just stay here quietly, playing my bagpipes."

