Stormy Weather

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  • marthe

    Good luck with that roof Mahlerei! We've got a few roofing issues as well, and are trying to get someone to help us out. Earlier this year, I had to put a basin on my desk every time it rained because there were drips from a small hole in the metal roof that's over my office. That's been fixed but there are other sections of roof that need reshingling!

    aka Cde J, please tell me about freecycle. If it's what I think, I could use it to find a new home for the "surplus" we have in our house. I'm fond of hollyhocks, too but don't have enough sunny spaces in the garden to grow them successfully.


    • aka Calum Da Jazbo
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 9173

      marthe i am not sure that freecycle is not just a uk thing but it claims a world presence here and you may find a local group ... or an alternative .... good ideas tend to pop up all over the place ...

      yep they do seem to like the sun, one set is somewhat shaded and is half the size of the sun favoured set ...
      According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


      • marthe

        aka C da J. thanks for the link. It seems there is a freecycle Yahoo group listed for my area. I'm getting ready to go to work now, so I'll have to have longer look at this in the evening. Though I don't grow hollyhocks, I do have a very pretty hollyhock relative, a malva with lavender stripes, growing in my sun garden. Most of my garden is shade to part-sun because of large trees growing around the property.


        • Pianorak
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3129

          Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
          clearing lots of stuff and using freecycle
          Thanks for jogging my memory - have now rejoined. Best thing since sliced bread?
          My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


          • aka Calum Da Jazbo
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 9173

            when i had a large garden i spent many happy times watching the trees grow [and the grass under my feet!]
            According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              Promise/threat of rain today so of course hosepipe ban is mentioned for the first time here. I just wish the high wind would abate, never liked windy weather.

              If it is your cup of cocoa, good concert of film music on R3 at 7.30 tonight.

              Hope Mahlerei is safely down from his roof!


              • Mahlerei

                Morning Sal

                Still dry here. Have to do a bit more roof sealing this am so hope it holds off fora while longer.


                • Mahlerei

                  Originally posted by marthe View Post
                  Good luck with that roof Mahlerei
                  Thanks, marthe, getting there. Using some miracle formula that looks like bitumen and dries almost instantly. Messy, but it should work. As Sal says, rain forecast later so we'll soon find out.


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38185

                    As one with a bit of a reputation as an amateur weather forecaster in the block, I made my way to Sainsburys on me bike this morning, watching the looming black thunder cloud, calculating that the rain would be upon us in about a quarter of an hour. It's funny, isn't it, that there always seems to be some old dear ahead of one in the check-out queue, hard of hearing or memory, or faffing in the handbag for the loyalty card, whenever one is in a hurry?

                    I am *normally* a patient man: this person will probably be me in 10 years' time or so:

                    Anyway, so as not to spoil by giving away the ending, I got soaked on the way back.

                    I am listening now to Somervell's Piano Concerto in A minor (Highland). Written in 1920, says Wiki, it sounds like what the American Gottschalk was writing 60 years earlier: patriotic tunes to Brahmsian and Lisztian harmonies, and leads me to wonder if it was composers like Somervell Robert Simpson was referring to when back in the 1950s he was charged with reviewing scores by neglected British composers, and concluded that, Havergal Brian excepted, they were probably best left that way.



                    • marthe

                      Strong winds and severe thunder storms for the past two days, but sunny and warm today. The downpours did the garden some good as the soil was getting quite dry. Amazing to think that we had so much rain and drizzle not so long ago. No hosepipe bans here, but our water rates are being raised to astronomical levels to pay for EPA-mandated sewerage treatment schemes, replacement of ancient water mains etc.

                      Mahlerei: so glad that your roof is coming along. It's such a relief to know that the darn thing won't leak!

                      Saly: I hope you enjoy your concert of film music. Sounds like fun!


                      • salymap
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 5969

                        Bound to rain today in this part of Kent as little local Fete takes place in park [well, green space] across road from me.
                        Dog show, bouncy castle, Fire engine for kids to climb on, and sound sirens! Also food stalls, plants donated by locals, all good fun which I watch from house mostly. Money goes to local hospice. organised by local shops.


                        • mercia
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 8920

                          not tempted to go on the bouncy castle, salymap?


                          • salymap
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 5969

                            Originally posted by mercia View Post
                            not tempted to go on the bouncy castle, salymap?
                            Well mercia, cheaper than an osteopath but I think I'll take a rain-check on that one


                            • salymap
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5969

                              Sorry for those on the MBs who say they live near clubs where music is played. Today about 6 hours of thump,thump were enough. I used to like jazz but mindless pop, where only the bass can be heard, badly amplified. NO...........

                              Weather not bad though, to stay on main subject on this thread.


                              • StephenO

                                Originally posted by salymap View Post
                                Sorry for those on the MBs who say they live near clubs where music is played. Today about 6 hours of thump,thump were enough. I used to like jazz but mindless pop, where only the bass can be heard, badly amplified. NO...........

                                Weather not bad though, to stay on main subject on this thread.
                                "Stormy weather" definitely sums it up for Malvern today. Two torrential downpours so far, one just as I was on my way out of Waitrose. Good for the gardens (and the farmers), though.

                                As for six hours of midlesss, thumping pop... must have been sheer torture.

