Stormy Weather

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  • scottycelt

    Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
    You are Douggie Donnelly and I claim my £5....

    To mis-quote Winston Churchill .. 'Sir, you are ugly and wrong, and your fiver will still be mine in the morning .. '


    • mangerton
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3346

      Interesting to see that "the weather" has jumped to the number one item in R4 news now that SE England and (heaven help us) London are about to get a teaspoonful of snow.

      It's been mayhem in NE England* and Scotland for days, but that of course doesn't count.

      * "NE England" is NOT the same thing as "the north east".


      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20589

        Originally posted by mangerton View Post
        Interesting to see that "the weather" has jumped to the number one item in R4 news now that SE England and (heaven help us) London are about to get a teaspoonful of snow.

        It's been mayhem in NE England* and Scotland for days, but that of course doesn't count.

        * "NE England" is NOT the same thing as "the north east".
        But of course. It's never been any different. Southerners are a bunch of softies.


        • BBMmk2
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 20908

          Careful there!! ^
          Don’t cry for me
          I go where music was born

          J S Bach 1685-1750


          • Eine Alpensinfonie
            • Nov 2010
            • 20589

            I'm not really trying to instigate a civil war. But we Northerners still haven't forgiven the BBC for the distorted weather map.


            • Petrushka
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 12436

              Originally posted by mangerton View Post
              Interesting to see that "the weather" has jumped to the number one item in R4 news now that SE England and (heaven help us) London are about to get a teaspoonful of snow.

              It's been mayhem in NE England* and Scotland for days, but that of course doesn't count.

              * "NE England" is NOT the same thing as "the north east".
              My thoughts too, Mangerton. Incidentally, the Midlands rarely gets a mention of any kind on the national forecast - we are NOT Northern England!

              Very heavy snow here last night - took me three hours to get to work by train this morning. Snowing heavily again now.
              "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


              • johnb
                Full Member
                • Mar 2007
                • 2903

                Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                I'm not really trying to instigate a civil war. But we Northerners still haven't forgiven the BBC for the distorted weather map.
                I'm (now) a nesh southerner but I am always a but shocked when I see the distorted BBC weather map. It is almost like saying the north of England and, especially, Scotland doesn't really matter.


                • Eudaimonia

                  Originally posted by johnb View Post

                  "I keep trying to enlarge the font"
                  Morning all! Somebody posted the answer on the old board:

                  Perhaps you are using Internet Explorer 6. I don't think that has a zoom option - hence no zoom icon in the bottom right, and CTRL +/- won't work.

                  I suggest checking the following:

                  Go to 'Tools / Internet Options'.

                  Select the 'General' tab - it probably will be already selected.

                  Click 'Accessibility' in the bottom right corner.

                  Check the 'Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages' box

                  Click all the OKs.

                  Then, hopefully, the 'View / Text Size' options should work on both the BBC pages and the FoR3 pages.


                  Hope that helps...cheers! ~E.
                  P.S. new "updates" behind my profile pic.


                  • greenilex
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 1626

                    At last (and I'm certain to regret this very shortly) we have real snow down here in Southampton - a good 10cm at least. It arrived last night as I was engrossed in MadMen and is still fairly pristine. I think, on reflection, something is either pristine or it isn't.

                    It looks totally amazing. Great curvy dollops all over each remaining leaf.



                    • Bryn
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 24688

                      More snow here too, maybe as much as 25.4mm has now settled on some areas of the lawn and on the roof of the garden sheds. However, the road has as snow to a depth close to 38.1mm. Who knows whether the bus service will make it up the hill in such adverse conditions.


                      • Chris Newman
                        Late Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 2100

                        grenilex, We have snow too in Salisbury. It started at about 1130 last night. It was lovely and blanket-like at about 4 this morning but seems to have got wet and dollopy since then. I am on the edge of the city centre in a back-water. They never grit my road but the few vehicles that that have come from the centre itself have brought salt on their wheels and it is going slushy. Unusually, the weather folk say the snow has fallen to the south of Salisbury rather than the north on the Plain.


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          Mornin' all. A thought. If people think that Kent/london SE have had a teaspoonful of snow, I'm very glad that you don't work in a pharmacy !!


                          • Dave2002
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 18104

                            Chris - A case of "the snow falls mainly on the Plain" then?

                            Salymap - More snow here - near Guildford. Road treacherous, though may not even be able to get up it now. The gritters had stupidly not gritted the end of the road, so there is a nice ice slide at the end down to a mini-roundabout on a road which has been gritted. Given that traffic coming from the right is hidden by a building, and even in this weather there are idiots who drive too fast over the mini-roundabout, it's not good. Even at 1-2 mph it's impossible to stop from our road. Anyone else noticed similar death traps? Thanks Surrey CC! I'm not asking them to grit the whole road, just the bit where accidents are most likely.
                            Last edited by Dave2002; 02-12-10, 08:29. Reason: spelling!


                            • Mr Pee
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3285

                              I Just checked the Southern Railways website, as I might gird my loins and attempt the epic 4 mile journey into Chichester later on, and just next to an announcement that:-

                              "All Southern services are suspended until further notice"
                              it says:-

                              Southern asks passengers what they want at stations
                              Well, trains would be a start......
                              Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                              Mark Twain.


                              • amateur51

                                Great stuff, salymap! We've had a hinch and narf overnight here in NW2. I've fed the Sparrer Squadron so all is well.

                                Following up on your recommendation of a while back salymap, I ordered and received a copy of The Baton and The Jackboot by Berta Geissmar & look forward to reading it while snowed in

