Stormy Weather

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    I see the official forecasters are getting a bit wound up (deliberate pun there) about a new Storm Doris, expected to cross the middle of the country on Thursday morning, bringing widespread gales and up to hurricane force winds across a central belt stretching from Lancashire to Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. Fortunately there'll be a neap tide accompanying, so no danger of flooding from the North Sea; but if this does come off, it'll be an unusual one in my experience: normally for the type of "explosive cyclogenesis" (exceptionally rapid intensification of a low pressure system) to take place would involve either exceptionally warm long-distance winds of tropical origin approaching in advance of the low, (October 1987), or very cold arctic air incursioning at the rear. Neither appears to be the case - just a sudden increase in the velocity of the high-level jetstream, which will then quickly return to more usual speeds as it introduces slightly colder northwesterlies than the kinds of temperatures one would expect at the end of Feb, these not being of arctic origin and backing around into a westerly quadrant. All very strange.

    It's a bronze severe weather warning for that central zone, so button down the hatches!


    • DracoM
      • Mar 2007
      • 13027

      Well, oop 'ere in the NW on the western edge of a range of Cumbrian fells, I can tell you it's fair rattling down wild, wild and wild, drenching wet, visibility down to 150 metres.

      Well, at least snow's forecast for Thursday, so that's a relief.


      • Beef Oven!
        • Sep 2013
        • 18147

        Gone from a calm, dare I say nice morning in NE London, to a veritable monsoon!!


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38184

          Winds have been gusting to around 50 mph here, from observation, and are predicted to carry on rising to peak at about 3 pm in this area. I normally take at least an hour's afternoon walk; shan't be going out today - did all the necessary shopping yesterday.


          • DracoM
            • Mar 2007
            • 13027

            Well, got it spot on: winds to noon etc, then sun/clouds mix.
            We have a mix of rain and sun and, but frankly not much out of the ordinary for rough stuff in Feb oop 'ere.


            • Beef Oven!
              • Sep 2013
              • 18147

              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
              Winds have been gusting to around 50 mph here, from observation, and are predicted to carry on rising to peak at about 3 pm in this area. I normally take at least an hour's afternoon walk; shan't be going out today - did all the necessary shopping yesterday.
              Wind crazy here, too. And funny enough, I nearly always fit in at least an hours walk or cycle each day, but I’m not going out in this!


              • DracoM
                • Mar 2007
                • 13027

                Well, oop 'ere we pretty well missed Doris, but, blimey, are we paying for it now.
                As I write it is shelling it down with thick, swirling rain, fields absolutely saturated and waterlogged,etc, winds hammering, more or less whiteout of fells. As nasty as it can get.


                • pastoralguy
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 7916

                  Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                  Well, oop 'ere we pretty well missed Doris, but, blimey, the last two days we've had a pasting. As I write it is shelling it down with thick rain, fields absolutely saturated and waterlogged,etc, winds hammering, more or less whiteout of fells. As nasty as it can get.
                  After a lovely start to the day here in Edinburgh it's turned into a dreadful day with large puddles and a wind that would cut you in half. Good for listening to music.


                  • vinteuil
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 13194


                    ... this morning took advantage of the spring-like feel to walk a section of the Regent's Canal (from Angel, Islington round to Mile End) concluding our recent project of walking most of the London canals : dry, mild, occasional sunshine, no wind; crocus and daffodils blooming away like billy-o, much disporting among the duck life. Too many cyclists and runners also taking advantage of the smiling weather.

                    Drizzle has now arrived, and it looks as if we're in for rain for the next few days; at least we were home in time to rescue the washing from the line...


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38184

                      Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
                      After a lovely start to the day here in Edinburgh it's turned into a dreadful day with large puddles and a wind that would cut you in half. Good for listening to music.
                      Looks like the latter is what I shall be doing a lot of this next week, given the number of lows with their accompanying frontal systems that are expected to crowd in on us.

                      The visibility was incredibly clear this morning. Now the distant view of Hampstead Heath has disappeared - rain, or at any rate thick drizzle - must be on the way: I'd been looking forward to that after-teatime walk in the bracing wind.

                      Never mind - spring's coming!


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        Hope springs eternal in the human breast?


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38184

                          Rain spread in following a pleasant if rather breezy morning, and with temps now down to just below 4 C we're just on the boundary where blobs of the white stuff can make it down to the surface. If it happens, it wasn't officially forecasted.

                          We had a couple of claps of thunder here in London yesterday afternoon as showers of pea-dimension hail passed through.


                          • DracoM
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 13027

                            Snow down to street level a.m., thawed > rain at 4 p.m.


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38184

                              Just managed to make it around C Palace Park before the first of the showers arrived! Am expecting a nice rainbow any time now.

                              We had thunder and lightning just west of London last evening: I had been intending to cycle to a gig in the Waterloo district, but changed my mind at the last minute, stayed in and listened Sibelius's Lemmingkainen Legends instead on the evening concert, one of my favourite works of his - and Walton's too, judging by the amount he fliched from the first Legend for his first symphony's first movement!


                              • DracoM
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 13027

                                After yestererday with easterlies, rain and general chilly yuk, blow me but today is a wonderful dry Spring day so far [5.50 p.m.] oop 'ere. Dared to plant some bulbs and prune roses.

