Stormy Weather
Originally posted by Caliban View PostEarly start today and just after getting up, biblical thunder and rain over London!
"I don't think it will rain much" I remarked to the young woman in cycle gear about to enter St Sprees, before myself taking the preferred attractive long route home via Forest Hill and the Horniman Museum, and arriving soaked through. So much for my amateur weather predicting abilities, aa well as the official forecast prediction of "light showers mainly affecting Kent and Surrey"
Did anyone else get caught???
One good outcome of my cycle shopping trip was obtaining the 10-CD block release of Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected (the 1979-82 TV series) for just £18 - an unbelievable snip of a price for what was being offered online for, let's just say, considerably more.
Some satisfyingly fine weather on the North-West coast this past couple of days: a bit chilly and overcast in Blackpool yesterday (and the weather wasn't much better) - but lovely sunshine sparkling off the sea today in Lytham St Annes. The high temperatures of the beginning of last week have gone, but what's replaced it is perfect for walking.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
We have his lordship, our cat, who we bought a brand new cat tree for him last week, and has ignored it, apart from the bottom posts of it, since we brought it in! today, with a bit of encouragement from MrsBBM, he has finally thought, well hmmm after all not too bad! Cats for you! :)Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostWe have his lordship, our cat, who we bought a brand new cat tree for him last week, and has ignored it, apart from the bottom posts of it, since we brought it in! today, with a bit of encouragement from MrsBBM, he has finally thought, well hmmm after all not too bad! Cats for you! :)
Originally posted by DracoM View PostBack to weather [mea culpa]: yesterday caught in ferocious squall, and even through jacket and overtrousers was so totally saturated, soaked to skin that had to change EVERY item of clothing once back inside. Was out in't rain for literally 8 minutes!
It's been a beautiful, sunny, cloudless day across London today; but for some reason the temperatures hereabouts have failed to exceed 15 C, despite having registered 19 C in places as far apart as Watford, Brentwood, Dartford and Tunbridge Wells - unusually, a couple up on central London. Inside the flat here, with the temperature already continuously below 15 C, I have to contemplate putting on the central heating a lot earlier than usual.