Stormy Weather
Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 02-02-16, 21:09."...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Just to let everybody know, "Brummie Simon's" site goes subscription-based starting this weekend. There will just be one northern hemisphere general forecast for the week ahead supplied. I've no idea why they've gone this route, having already installed a detailed premium subscription video for people who could afford gilded weather forecasts. At £11.75 per month it's going to be too much to pay afaic, and so I'll be sticking to the BBC forecast and UKweatherworld, which is more of a weather buff's forum with a lot of technical jargon - in other words just like this site.
In the meantime we have a drizzly damp day down here today, with heavier rain spreading into the NW at the same time, and rain and gales practically everywhere between tomorrow and Sunday, as far as I can see. Everyone around here seems to be going down with colds at the moment - this one being my third since November!
Originally posted by Caliban View Post
Getting a bit of air to it never does any harm!
And that concludes the case for the defence, your Honour....
Not a bad day, as it turned out!Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostJust to let everybody know, "Brummie Simon's" site goes subscription-based starting this weekend.
In the meantime ..... rain and gales practically everywhere between tomorrow and Sunday, as far as I can see. Everyone around here seems to be going down with colds at the moment - this one being my third since November!Obviously he wants to make a commercial success of it. Which reminds me - is there any news of who will be providing the BBC weather when the Met's contract finishes in the Summer? And, has anyone here joined WeatherWatchers?
Yellow warning today for Cornwall, Devon & S. Wales for rain and gales. So far it's not stopped raining (after a very wet and blustery evening) I nipped out early to get the paper and veggies when it wasn't too bad, it's now closed right in and getting very windy. Barometer right down, not much hope of change on the horizon I think. Plenty of colds around here too S_A, so far I've escaped, hope yours soon gets better.
We have a very local weather station which has a page on t'Web, so local that I can see his anemometer from my bedroom window.
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostTalk about a gusty wind!!And the field is puddling up quickly, goodness knows what the river is going to be like
Sorry to hear about your troubles, Anna. I hope it's not as bad as you fear.
I was out for a paper before eight this morning. It was cold at 3º C, but dry, and it's been dry and calm here all day.
I've been in awaiting delivery of a new modem/router. I was given a delivery window of 8.00 - 21.00.In the event it arrived at 15.00, and it's now installed and working.
Originally posted by mangerton View PostSorry to hear about your troubles, Anna. I hope it's not as bad as you fear.
Originally posted by mangerton View PostI've been in awaiting delivery of a new modem/router. I was given a delivery window of 8.00 - 21.00.In the event it arrived at 15.00, and it's now installed and working.
Heavy rain all day here. Saturday is my usual shopping day (no chance in the week) and it's been yet another weekend soaking. It's windy but not as bad as we'd been led to believe. Sorry to hear of your fence problems, Anna. This used to happen here but the new next door neighbour, whose responsibility it is, installed a very good fence indeed (each panel cost £100 with 16 of them on both sides of their property) and they are ultra secure."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by Anna View Postlet us hope the rugby this afternoon also brings good news for you!!
Good luck with your fence &c., duckie - I have powerful mental images of a storm-lashed Anna battling against the elements! "All windswept and interesting" as my granny used to say!"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Anna View PostI can understand Simon wanting to go subscription to stop people such as us pinching his forecasts and putting them all over the Net!!Obviously he wants to make a commercial success of it. Which reminds me - is there any news of who will be providing the BBC weather when the Met's contract finishes in the Summer? And, has anyone here joined WeatherWatchers?
Yellow warning today for Cornwall, Devon & S. Wales for rain and gales. So far it's not stopped raining (after a very wet and blustery evening) I nipped out early to get the paper and veggies when it wasn't too bad, it's now closed right in and getting very windy. Barometer right down, not much hope of change on the horizon I think. Plenty of colds around here too S_A, so far I've escaped, hope yours soon gets better.
What annoys me about Simon is that a year ago he informed us that apart from the special Premium service for people prrepared to pay for a more elaborate forecast,l the site would remain free and paid for by the ads that are still sported. Anyway it's all based on "models" provided by other officially recognised sites and often seems to come down to Simon's intuition with regards to which one he's betting on this week.
I'm wondering as well about the BBC weather contract. One thing I'd love them to get rid of is the map of the UK which sort of slopes away giving an impression of a ridiculously small Scotland, along with the way we swoop up one side of the country, usually starting with the east, then reverse into backwards down across the NW, Wales and the SW, which always induces a nauseous feeling.
I'd forgotten all about WeatherWatch until you mentioned it. I can't really see it as being of interest, quite frankly. Whenever they show stills people have taken on the lunchtime news they always ruin the picture by having a caption right across in large lettering - which is rather like many TV panel shows where bands of captions cover a third of the screen and one never gets to see the contributers below chest level.
Hope you're surviving where you are. Here it's been blowing at Force 6 to 7 most of the day, making the steady 11 C feel much colder than it otherwise would; and now the rain has now finally arrived.
Originally posted by Caliban View PostGood luck with your fence &c., duckie - I have powerful mental images of a storm-lashed Anna battling against the elements! "All windswept and interesting" as my granny used to say!
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostThis one has been a real corker for 4 days now. My chest muscles were stiff by lunchtime yesterday from uncontrolled coughing - this must be working marvels on my imaginary six-pack! - but I'd managed to get that problem under control by sucking on a Strepsil every 3 hours until I went to bed. But then this morning I was back to Square One again, and am now more or less OK once more.
Never stopped raining yesterday evening, so much surface water just lying, cannot drain away anywhere. Dry and calm at the moment, yelow wind warning for us tomorrow but an amber one for Cornwall and Devon again.Going to look at fence situation shortly, most impressed by the size of Petrushka's garden and his neighbour's fence panels!