Stormy Weather

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Originally posted by EnemyoftheStoat View Post
    And it isn't going to get any better...
    Excellent link. EoS.

    I was thinking about this very phenomenon last night, and the ways in which we are constantly having this reiteration thrown at us that one abnormal meteorological event doth not a global warming symptom make? Why is it being repeated over and over again? Does anyone else on here share my suspicion of a cover up being conducted on behalf of a politico-industrial establishment that doesn't really have any clue what to do about global warming, by a vested meteorological profession?


    • BBMmk2
      Late Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 20908

      Originally posted by Caliban View Post
      On the weather forecast...? (assuming from the thread title....)

      Hope you haven't got a waterlogged tuba, Bbm!
      I put in a request for the Tchaik 5th finale, as I have transcribed this for brass band. They(R3), broadcast that magnificent Mravinsky recording! :)

      Seeing my mother today, as she wants help around the house and a bit of shopping
      Don’t cry for me
      I go where music was born

      J S Bach 1685-1750


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38184

        Annoyingly, there's no current/recent situation report available on the BBC weather site, so I can't check as to the veracity of a neighbour's report of heavy showers around leaving for work time this morning. It is brilliantly sunny and cloudless here at the moment with not much wind, temperature just short of 8 C and a pretty clear view of The Heath, but I can report from the live lightning map a remarkable line of thunderstorms that has formed to the NW of the Devon and Cornwall coast, running into Pembrokeshire. This is a cold occluded front, which is expected to run eastwards, hitting Cardiff and Bristol early afternoon, I'd think, and London just as tonight's rush hour begins. As long as it keeps its convectivity up we could be in for some exciting lightning displays to challenge any early fireworks. Lets see what befalls.

        And here's to a very happy New Year to all fellow stormy weatherers!


        • Anna

          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
          This is a cold occluded front, which is expected to run eastwards, hitting Cardiff and Bristol early afternoon, I'd think
          Totally accurate forecasting S_A !! We've just had the most amazing stormy cloudburst/hailstorm with gale force winds whipping round in circles, couldn't see through it and the temp dropped in an instant from just over 10 to 7.8 As sudden as it came it's eased off and calm has descended. No sign of thunder or lightning though. And it was such a lovely sunny warm blueskied morning.

          Papers full of weather records for 2015 such as:
          Hottest July day since records began: 36.7°C at Heathrow airport on 1 July
          Hottest November day since records began: 22.4°C at Trawsgoed, Wales on 1 November
          Hottest November night since 2005: 16.1C in Murlough, Co. Down
          Coldest July day in 21 years: parts of Scotland reached 1°C on the 19th July
          Shaping up to be: the UK's windiest year. 2015 is on track to surpass 1995's record of only 22 calm days
          I'm glad it's to be confirmed that it's been the windiest year as sometimes it only seemed that myself and Petrushka were complaining of it.

          Further reading about El Nino if anyone wants to be even more depressed:
          Ten of millions of people will face hunger, water shortages and disease in 2016 as the impacts of a powerful El Nino linger into 2016.

          Nasa warns that the effects of the current El Nino weather phenomenon could be as bad as that of 1998, the strongest on record.


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38184

            Thanks for all that stuff, Anna!

            It's very much coats back on weather here now, following the last fortnight's October/April type temperatures. If Teamy's looking in, he can expect to see quite a few lightning displays out at sea over the next few days, some of them coming inland, with the odd waterspout possible!

            On Tuesday everyone with a home barometer may be shocked to see how far to the left the indicator hand has moved, as the centre of the low today's rain belts were associated with drifts right across the south and into the North Sea, bringing our winds around from every point of the compass.

            Most of the forecast models for this winter are predicting this sort of weather for the rest of the month, with the odd brief northerly bringing snow showers further south than Scotland, to be followed by a much colder February, continuing into March and April!

            At least that would be preferable to the present floodings.


            • Petrushka
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 12436

              Interesting stats, Anna, but I get very suspicious about stats as they mean very little. Most weather records don't seem to go back much further than a century at most so the stats are going to be very badly skewed. In the history of the globe a century is a tiny speck of time so to speak of the recent North of England rainfall as 'unprecedented' is nonsense and shirks the issue. Building houses on flood plains, building homes right up to the riverside, woodland and forestry disappeared, acres of concrete everywhere. Those in authority, in the Environment Agency must know all of these things but there are a lot of vested interests involved.

              We need to get back to the basics of land management and stop blaming 'climate change' or 'unprecedented' rainfall.
              "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38184

                Is anybody else experiencing spectacular weather around the country today?

                I ask since at just after midday a gust-front passed just to the north of us, accompanied by skies so dark and low I had to put lights on, nearly 20 minutes of torrential rain, gale-force winds of a strength sufficient to blow down two large fence panels separating our garden from next door's, and one solitary clap of thunder. All through this our friendly gardener carried on re-locating the compost heap, spadeful by spadeful, joking about a storm in a teacup as I handed him his tea! No sooner had he finished this job than the skies cleared, as did the visibility, which is now excellent, and the winds have moderated, though still strong, with the barometer really shooting back up. But the temperature has dropped from 10 C at 9 o' clock to 6.5 now, and the water table is now right on the surface, making the lawn impossible to traverse unless wearing wellies.

                It looks like we're all on for some quite cold weather, starting on Monday; not sure for how long though.


                • DracoM
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 13027

                  Strong easterly building oop 'ere over completely saturated / sodden fells, laced by what used to be paths which have been seriously eroded in places to trenches and gashes. Weird to have routes one knew almost blindfold shifting into other networks.


                  • mangerton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3346

                    Here it has been raining steadily for days. No particular problems where I live and work, but there are many areas nearby suffering badly, and there is more rain to come.

                    I haven't seen the sun yet this year, and it is relentlessly dark and gloomy.


                    • eighthobstruction
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 6527

                      Same grey and cold here....but at sunset there was a large slice of Turquoise, and a skirt of pale barley sugar veined with salmon vanished as soon as it came....

                      .....THat A93 photo is a real lou lou....t'will take some time to repair too, I should think.
                      bong ching


                      • Globaltruth
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4326

                        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                        Is anybody else experiencing spectacular weather around the country today?

                        I ask since at just after midday a gust-front passed just to the north of us, accompanied by skies so dark and low I had to put lights on, nearly 20 minutes of torrential rain, gale-force winds of a strength sufficient to blow down two large fence panels separating our garden from next door's, and one solitary clap of thunder. All through this our friendly gardener carried on re-locating the compost heap, spadeful by spadeful, joking about a storm in a teacup as I handed him his tea! No sooner had he finished this job than the skies cleared, as did the visibility, which is now excellent, and the winds have moderated, though still strong, with the barometer really shooting back up. But the temperature has dropped from 10 C at 9 o' clock to 6.5 now, and the water table is now right on the surface, making the lawn impossible to traverse unless wearing wellies.

                        It looks like we're all on for some quite cold weather, starting on Monday; not sure for how long though.
                        Hmm - not sure I'd call it spectacular but I was at the rubbish tip, er recycling centre earlier.
                        Between the tip and the main road is a plantation of young birch trees, about 20 foot tall - planted much to close together.
                        Just my car and 2 v helpful workers.
                        A sudden strong gust of wind - - with a crack, six of the birch trees blew/fell over bringing down others. Not onto the road, and away from the tip, all in a tangle, supported by those left standing.
                        An astonishing sight, we reckoned the ground being so wet had a lot to do with it.

                        I can confirm that if a few trees fall next to a rubbish tip and there are 3 men there, that the trees *DO* make a sound.


                        • Nick Armstrong
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 26628

                          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                          a large slice of Turquoise, and a skirt of pale barley sugar veined with salmon pink.
                          You've been watching Masterchef Professional again, 8thO!

                          Seriously - similar 'dessert sushi' colours at sunset here as I bowled along through the Park
                          "...the isle is full of noises,
                          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                          • LeMartinPecheur
                            Full Member
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 4717

                            Originally posted by Globaltruth View Post
                            I can confirm that if a few trees fall next to a rubbish tip and there are 3 men there, that the trees *DO* make a sound.
                            I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38184

                              Originally posted by LeMartinPecheur View Post
                              I may be picking up fag-ends here, but I think GT's posting was in reply to a message from Beef Oven a few days ago on another thread asking if a tree falling in a wood makes any sound if there's no one there to hear it.


                              • mangerton
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 3346

                                After my post yesterday....

                                This morning I arose, went to the window, and opened the curtains. I lookèd out, and saw a star, shining in the east (actually, my bedroom window looks west, but still.)

                                You could get a carol out of that.

                                Anyway, in due course, I went out, noticed the roads were dry and had been gritted, and I had to remove frost from my car windscreen. Looking out now, I can see a clear blue sky, and I expect soon to see the sun.

