Commonwealth Games

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20586

    Commonwealth Games

    Following the London Olympics, I had considered the Commonwealth Games as something missable, but that would have been a mistake.
    British teams are doing brilliantly.
    With the competitions nearly over...

    England tops the table with 48 gold medals
    Scotland is 4th with 17 golds (better than England per capita)
    Wales is 12th with 4 golds
    Northern Ireland has no golds yet.

    Of course, with team GB coming third in the Olympic medals table, the UK teams should have done well with the USA and China not being eligible. Nevertheless, credit where it's due.

    With all the disappointing sporting news this year, this week has been an oasis of light.
  • Anna

    I've watched as much as I can and enjoyed it very much, obviously not all sports but in particular the cycling, swimming, gymnastics and latterly track events. I think it's been marvellous and obviously a real boost for the Scottish economy (and image of Glasgow!) This morning the BBC reported that due to the Games Scotch whisky sales are up 30%, Tesco reported an 80% increase in the sale of haggis and Waitrose said in the 24 hours after the opening ceremony sales of Tunnocks Tea Cakes rose by a staggering 62%.
    (I wonder if it will impact on the Yes Campaign in that it's been such a success more Scots will think they can go it alone?)


    • amateur51

      Originally posted by Anna View Post
      I've watched as much as I can and enjoyed it very much, obviously not all sports but in particular the cycling, swimming, gymnastics and latterly track events. I think it's been marvellous and obviously a real boost for the Scottish economy (and image of Glasgow!) This morning the BBC reported that due to the Games Scotch whisky sales are up 30%, Tesco reported an 80% increase in the sale of haggis and Waitrose said in the 24 hours after the opening ceremony sales of Tunnocks Tea Cakes rose by a staggering 62%.
      (I wonder if it will impact on the Yes Campaign in that it's been such a success more Scots will think they can go it alone?)
      I wonder how the Scottish nation's type II diabetes count will be affected


      • mangerton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3346

        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
        I wonder how the Scottish nation's type II diabetes count will be affected
        indeed, amsy! I fear it will take more than the Commonwealth Games to change that part of the Scottish makeup.

        I was in the local Tesco last week, and they were doing some sort of health promotion near the entrance, featuring people going it on an exercise bike. In the background could be seen a large Irn Bru display, and a Krispi Kreme doughnut display. It would have made a great photo, but I feared I might well have been drummed out of the shop had I taken it.


        • Anna

          Originally posted by mangerton View Post
          .... In the background could be seen a large Irn Bru display.....
          It was reported in the papers yesterday that the organisers will be left with a mountain of Irn Bru cans as the athletes won't touch it as the ingredients aren't listed in detail! (Danger of doping with banned substances)


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26628

            Originally posted by Anna View Post
            It was reported in the papers yesterday that the organisers will be left with a mountain of Irn Bru cans as the athletes won't touch it as the ingredients aren't listed in detail! (Danger of doping with banned substances)

            One more in the list of reasons not to touch the damn stuff
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • Eine Alpensinfonie
              • Nov 2010
              • 20586

              Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
              I wonder how the Scottish nation's type II diabetes count will be affected
              It has been suggested by a Glaxo researcher that Insulin could one day become reclassified as a vitamin.


              • mangerton
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3346

                Originally posted by Anna View Post
                It was reported in the papers yesterday that the organisers will be left with a mountain of Irn Bru cans as the athletes won't touch it as the ingredients aren't listed in detail! (Danger of doping with banned substances)
                I can understand their concerns, though I doubt that it contains anything dopey. The "irn" part is ammonium ferric citrate. When I were a lad I loved it; now I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. It's extremely popular in Scotland, highly regarded as a hangover cure, and outsells any other well known carbonated (non-alcoholic) drink.

                As far as tomorrow night's closing ceremony is concerned, it's rumoured (1) that all the athletes (2) are to be given a deep-fried Mars bar.

                (1) Well, I've just started the rumour. We'll see how it goes.

                (2) Except the distance runners, who will be given a deep-fried Marathon.


                • Eine Alpensinfonie
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20586

                  Originally posted by mangerton View Post

                  (2) Except the distance runners, who will be given a deep-fried Marathon.
                  Ah! If only. I'd even consider voting UKIP ( only for a micro-second) if I thought we might have Marathon bars, amid and Olivio once again.



                  • BBMmk2
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20908

                    Glad they're over!!!
                    Don’t cry for me
                    I go where music was born

                    J S Bach 1685-1750


                    • Anna

                      Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                      Glad they're over!!!
                      Why? I think they've been great - there is always an Off Button (or you could listen to Radio 3, I hear the Proms are really quite good)

                      Awful weather in Glasgow today, felt sorry for those watcing the hockey final (which included some of my Northern branch of family getting soaked) and the game itself was a bit of a damp squib, the bronze match was better, and the bronze netball was really exciting! I think the closing ceremony will require some stamina, with Kylie, Lulu and Deacon Blue ..... (might be better with The Proclaimers and Billy Connelly!)

                      Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                      Ah! If only. I'd even consider voting UKIP ( only for a micro-second) if I thought we might have Marathon bars, amid and Olivio once again.
                      Aren't Snickers Marathon under a different name and Bertolli Olivio ditto?


                      • LeMartinPecheur
                        Full Member
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 4717

                        Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                        It has been suggested by a Glaxo researcher that Insulin could one day become reclassified as a vitamin.
                        It's just a pity you can't take it by mouth - the stomach wrecks it completely

                        I speak as a Type 1 diabetic of 37+ years' standing, and therefore a living human pincushion...
                        I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!

