I have been finding using the web significantly more intrusive in recent weeks - with many apparently relevant adverts appearing in articles which I read. I really don't want all these. There is a Google page which allows one to set interests etc., or to opt out - but "opt out" isn't really a full opt out - they still bombard you with adverts, but just ones which may be less relevant. Although one might think that "relevant" adverts would be better than random ones, I'm beginning to wonder it they are in fact more distracting and subversive.
I had a choice of posting here or on the Techie forum - I thought this may be of more general interest.
I am becoming very much less enamoured of Google as a result of this and other factors. What is scary is the part of the Google profile page where it claims to have worked out your interests, your age, gender etc. I also personally think they link the system to email - so I may decide to give up on gmail in the not so distant future.
I had a choice of posting here or on the Techie forum - I thought this may be of more general interest.
I am becoming very much less enamoured of Google as a result of this and other factors. What is scary is the part of the Google profile page where it claims to have worked out your interests, your age, gender etc. I also personally think they link the system to email - so I may decide to give up on gmail in the not so distant future.