One does not need to work in the nuclear industry in order to have more than the barest smattering of a grasp of the technology, L1. Regarding emergency aid for Japan re. the problems at Fukishima, that country is not exactly short of nuclear engineers. I rather doubt that adding a few more cooks would do much to improve the over-cooked broth.
As to Didcot, while it is certainly far from any coal mine, it has long been a major locus coal storage and distribution, as I clearly recall from childhood train journeys between Swindon (to which my family moved in 1956) and London (from which we had moved).
As to Didcot, while it is certainly far from any coal mine, it has long been a major locus coal storage and distribution, as I clearly recall from childhood train journeys between Swindon (to which my family moved in 1956) and London (from which we had moved).