....Cfm advertising during the half time break of Exeter City FC v Nottingham Forest itv1 yesterday.... which cohort were they aiming at....
Classical Music Radio stations ONLINE
Originally posted by Maclintick View PostToday, after spending several fruitless hours attempting to load internet radio URLs into Stream Magic and, inter alia, iTunes, I feel I'm now well-qualified to start a blog entitled Misadventures in StreamingLand. Not having much interaction with iTunes for quite a while, and having happily listened to YLE, BR Klassik & Cesky on this platform before, I now find that they're unavailable, as is R3. No worries, I can cast from VRadio on my android phone in good quality without being forced to choose from the multiple choices of dreck decreed as acceptable by Apple...
Originally posted by Maclintick View PostToday, after spending several fruitless hours attempting to load internet radio URLs into Stream Magic and, inter alia, iTunes, I feel I'm now well-qualified to start a blog entitled Misadventures in StreamingLand. Not having much interaction with iTunes for quite a while, and having happily listened to YLE, BR Klassik & Cesky on this platform before, I now find that they're unavailable, as is R3. No worries, I can cast from VRadio on my android phone in good quality without being forced to choose from the multiple choices of dreck decreed as acceptable by Apple...
An interesting 'live' (from the Muziekgebouw on 25th Feb) concert from Amsterdam tonight with Phantasm playing viol music by Tomkins, Byrd, Gibbons, Locke and Tye.
19.00 UK time.
Oh, and after is a repeat of the Wigmore Hall concert of 30th Jan with English Concert/Pinnock/Lucy Crowe.
What the happiest people in the world (and me!) are listening to this morning:-
Rimski-Korsakov: Ruhtinaiden kulkue oopperabal. Mlada (Empire Brass sekä Richard Jensen ja Arthur Press, lyömäsoittimet). 09:35 J. Haydn: Pianosonaatti n:o 23 F-duuri (Vladimir Horowitz). 09:50 Bright: Pianokonsertto n:o 1 a-molli (Samantha Ward ja Liverpoolin kuninkaallinen FO/Charles Peebles). 10:15 W.F. Bach: Sinfonia d-molli (Philadelphian ork./Eugene Ormandy). 10:25 Verdi: Amelian aaria Morro, ma prima in grazia oopp. Naamiohuvit (Anna Moffo, sopraano, ja Italian RCA:n oopperaork./Franco Ferrara). 10:30 Wagner: Alkusoitto oopp. Nürnbergin mestarilaulajat (Philadelphian ork./Christian Thielemann). 10:42 Couperin: Konsertto n:o 4 e-molli (Le Concert des Nations/Jordi Savall). 10:59 Beethoven: Sekstetto jousikvartetille ja kahdelle käyrätorvelle Es-duuri. (Dennis Brain ja Alan Civil, käyrätorvi, sekä Englantilainen jousikvartetti). 11:14 W.A. Mozart: Kaksi Sarastron aariaa oopp. Taikahuilu (Kim Borg, basso, ja Münchenin filharmonikot/Arthur Rother). 11:23 Conti: Daavid, oratorio (Marijana Mijanovic, altto, Furio Zanasi, baritoni, Simone Kermes sopraano, Birgitte Christensen, sopraano, Sonia Prina, altto, ja Vito Priante, baritoni, sekä Complesso Barocco -kuoro ja -ork./Alan Curtis).