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  • aka Calum Da Jazbo
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 9173


    an attractively modest but discerning blog on current jazz well worth keeping in touch with
    According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
    an attractively modest but discerning blog on current jazz well worth keeping in touch with
    He's Dallas-based, but I see he's covered an Alex Hawkins recording, so evidently not restricted to the US product. Thanks for drawing to the attention, Calum.


    • charles t
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 592

      Yea, man...I've been


      ('This term may also be used to refer to specific episodes of over-consumption.')

      just this week upon The Convergence Quartet w/Alex Hawkins...

      Live In Oxford ...Slow and Steady (rec. @ The Vortex) ...Song and Dance.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38184

        Originally posted by charles t View Post
        Yea, man...I've been


        ('This term may also be used to refer to specific episodes of over-consumption.')

        just this week upon The Convergence Quartet w/Alex Hawkins...

        Live In Oxford ...Slow and Steady (rec. @ The Vortex) ...Song and Dance.
        I think I may have been at the Vortex the night that recording was made. How are you Charles? Did the extreme cold mentioned as affecting every State in the US reach you?


        • charles t
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 592

          Good to hear from you, Serialist! Well, the US is sooooooooooo large that the Arctic cold by-passed Sunny Calif.

          Did get caught-up in the aftermath of an ice storm while visiting Fort Worth Texas in early December which resulted in the closing down of all expressways - and - you had to watch whatever you walked under, as the roof-ice sheets would partially melt and bingo!


          • Quarky
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 2684

            Interesting blog, calum. Noted the 2013 Jazz album poll - no Brits appearing, as far as I can see.

            We haven't had a thread so far on best Album of 2013 for UK audiences?


            • Ian Thumwood
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 4361

              It's always intriguing to read other people's take on the best albums of a particular year and this blog throws up a complete list that passed me by. Whilst you have to respect other people's tastes, this is a very "niche" which I feel fails to appreciate just how diverse the music was in 2103. I can't understand the dismisal of Shorter's album and I feel most fans would share my persepctive too. This blog seems to feature an imbalance of musicians from a narrow spectrum (Ho Bynham, for example) as well as a distinct lack of black musicians.

              There is a degree of snobbery to an extent insofar that the selection is more towards the Improv element of things as opposed to more orthodox jazz. Some of the selections are a bit obsurantist and there are plenty of names I am unfamiliar with. It is also telling that he has ignored big bands altogether. For me, if there is anything of a trend, it is the fact that jazz seems so vibrant on a very wide front. Looking at those nominations in combination with the albums reviewed elsewhere shows that this persepective is pretty skewed for a whole number of reasons . None of the ultimate chices really appeal to me.


              • Richard Barrett

                Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                There is a degree of snobbery to an extent insofar that the selection is more towards the Improv element of things as opposed to more orthodox jazz.
                Why is that snobbery?


                • Beef Oven!
                  • Sep 2013
                  • 18147

                  Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                  This blog seems to feature an imbalance of musicians from a narrow spectrum (Ho Bynham, for example) as well as a distinct lack of black musicians.
                  What has a person's skin colour, or race got to do with anything?


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38184

                    Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                    What has a person's skin colour, or race got to do with anything?
                    If what Ian claims is accurate, then an underrepresentation of black Americans, who by and large made the running in innovations, and without whom the music would never have come about, is a serious oversight.

                    I would question his argument that an emphasis on the improvisational end of the music is tantamount to snobbery.


                    • Beef Oven!
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 18147

                      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                      If what Ian claims is accurate, then an underrepresentation of black Americans, who by and large made the running in innovations, and without whom the music would never have come about, is a serious oversight.
                      I thought it was about music. If there is 'good' music that hasn't been included, that's a 'serious oversight'.


                      • Richard Barrett

                        At the top of his list are the words: "Here, in order, are my top 10 jazz releases of 2013." (my emphasis) He's talking about the CDs from the past year that he liked most. Why on earth should he find it necessary to be "inclusive"? Unless Ian is assuming that people don't really like free improvisation, they only say they do to sound enigmatically hip or something.


                        • Ian Thumwood
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 4361


                          I will clarify. The list seems very limited in the styles of jazz offered and, as I pointed out, it includes several records that feature the same musicians, some of whom I quite like. The point I am making is that the selection is so narrow as to ignore just how diverse the music is. I don't agree with his comments about the Shorter record but surely if this is to be a selection of "best jazz and improv" records why the lack of black musicians ? Is this suggestive that the it is white musicians (plus the odd Japanese) that are now making the running? To me, this list is extremely narrow and perhaps skewed in its bias towards the Holvsorson / Bynam (ok[-ish but not my favourites) /ECM & European approach as opposed to being in favour of a more Afro~American mainstream. 2013 was an exceptional year for jazz records and, as I said on this board, it was difficult for me to call between Shorter / David Binney / Nicole Mitchell as to how released my own favourite. Of course, its only opinion yet there seems little recognition of the black contribution to jazz on this blog's list.


                          • MrGongGong
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 18357

                            Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                            I will clarify. The list seems very limited in the styles of jazz offered .
                            Maybe because it says this at the top ?

                            "Here, in order, are my top 10 jazz releases of 2013."
                            (Richards emphasis)

                            'Jazz' is a bit of an odd beast as many of the things that in contains are miles () apart.
                            The folks who like a bit of trad on a Sunday lunchtime are not likely to be seen stroking their goatees at Cafe OTO the night before.

                            Surely 'Jazz' is a label that is based on the historical context of the music?
                            What's wrong with this blog (that looks very interesting) choosing things that aren't representative anyway ?

                            Some improvised music has little to do with 'Jazz' anyway and there's sometimes more improvisation in the playing a Haydn string quartet than some 'Jazz' performances!


                            • Richard Barrett

                              Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                              The point I am making is that the selection is so narrow as to ignore just how diverse the music is.
                              That's because it's explicitly a personal one from someone whose tastes are presumably rather focused.
                              Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                              I don't agree with his comments about the Shorter record
                              Neither do I but so what?
                              Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                              Is this suggestive that the it is white musicians (plus the odd Japanese) that are now making the running?
                              I see no suggestion of that.
                              Originally posted by Ian Thumwood View Post
                              its only opinion
                              You said it.

