"... Sartorially shabby as Thomas may be, and on first impression even rather stolid, he has a somewhat imperious charisma that's immediately amplified when he starts to play ... The Jazzman"
Pat Thomas blurb for 15th November gig from Cafe Oto website programme.
"An imperious charisma that's immediately amplified when he starts to play. The Jazzman"
Blurb for Paul Dunmall at 60 gig at the Vortex on October 28th, from Vortex website
Pat Thomas blurb for 15th November gig from Cafe Oto website programme.
"An imperious charisma that's immediately amplified when he starts to play. The Jazzman"
Blurb for Paul Dunmall at 60 gig at the Vortex on October 28th, from Vortex website