on the spur of the instant ordered several books on jazz from amazon last week, all second hand for a penny plus p&P ... of that sort any way ... lovely little parcels have been arriving ...
Jazz Changes by Martin Williams [several of his] arrived this morning from the USA; it had clearly belonged to the Library at Western Nebraska Community College and still retained the date stamp leaf in the front .... i guess the eight people who took the book out between 1993 and 2005 were not sufficient to keep it on the racks ... so it finds it's way to me and very fine it is too ...immediately struck by a set of pieces he wrote in or around 1964 about four pianists ..Peterson Solal Shearing and Jamal ...now Solal was a very good spot back then [about the others he is scathing but the commentary will be familiar]
...wondered what if any, books boredees might be perusing about the noble art of jazz ... the 1p + postage is a great deal eh?
Jazz Changes by Martin Williams [several of his] arrived this morning from the USA; it had clearly belonged to the Library at Western Nebraska Community College and still retained the date stamp leaf in the front .... i guess the eight people who took the book out between 1993 and 2005 were not sufficient to keep it on the racks ... so it finds it's way to me and very fine it is too ...immediately struck by a set of pieces he wrote in or around 1964 about four pianists ..Peterson Solal Shearing and Jamal ...now Solal was a very good spot back then [about the others he is scathing but the commentary will be familiar]
...wondered what if any, books boredees might be perusing about the noble art of jazz ... the 1p + postage is a great deal eh?
