Alyn on at 10pm for an half hour with five tracks including a Bill Holman large ensemble piece ..
Geoffrey is doing Lester Young [again i think .... but Lester can take the strain eh ... ]
Julian looks quite interesting and Byas'd was likely at the gig? NB Flute Alert
Jon3 is unmissable given the cast list for this exercise in baroqueynesses
and in NYC they played
Geoffrey is doing Lester Young [again i think .... but Lester can take the strain eh ... ]
Julian looks quite interesting and Byas'd was likely at the gig? NB Flute Alert
Julian Joseph interviews trumpet superstar and former Dizzy Gillespie collaborator Arturo Sandoval. Kevin Le Gendre has unearthed Charles Lloyd's 'Canto' from the archives as this month's featured album in 'Now Is The Time' and today's concert music comes from guitarist Phil Robson's Immeasurable Code. Recorded at the Jazz Bar in Edinburgh, it features the stellar line-up of Julian Arguelles on sax, Gareth Lockrane on flute, Euan Burton on bass, Ernesto Simpson on drums and Phil Robson on guitar and was recorded at Edinburgh's award winning venue The Jazz Bar
Bringing Baroque and jazz music together can, when attempted too literally, be fraught with danger. But this new commission from pianist Alexander Hawkins - recorded exclusively for Jazz on 3 as part of BBC Radio 3's Baroque Spring - is more about exploring the parallels between the two genres, drawing inspiration from the 18th century in a looser, more abstract way. Hawkins has built a bespoke nonet of free-improvising musicians, writing the music with the individual players in mind. US trumpeter Peter Evans has an astounding technique that is regularly aired in both avant-garde and Baroque settings, and he's joined by an array of brass and reed instruments - including trumpeter Byron Wallen and tuba player Oren Marshall. The soundworld is enriched further by the cello of Hannah Marshall and the relentlessly inventive textures of Mark Sanders's drumkit.