I can take free improv in small doses, but there are limits. I prefer musicians who use recognised musical instruments to improvise on rather than pissing about with made-up instruments such as a piece of hosepipe with a trombone mouthpiece in one end and a funnel at the other, which I saw at the first improv gig I ever saw, with Sylvia Hallett and Clive Bell. I see that as copping out.
Borah Bergman
As Wales' leading free jazz accordianist I sometimes set fire to it at my gigs to illustrate the boiling anger within me...and the effects of climate change on the innocent.
I will be on Utube shortly playing my Homage to George Monbiot, part IV .
BN.Last edited by BLUESNIK'S REVOX; 27-10-12, 07:53.