Originally posted by handsomefortune
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Borah Bergman
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostHow did Calum manage to edit my post?
er i didn't as far as i know heliocentricAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by charles t View PostHF HF HF HF
Awakening here in the Left Coast - had no idea you were a Noo Yoiker! How can you afford it - with DMG in the same town?
I think handsome's referring to Borah Bergman being a Noo Yoiker, charles.
Thanks for the link to that article - very interesting. I must check 'cos I think I may have a interview with Evan Parker somewhere from around the time he was performing duos with Bergman.
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Postoops i did, i clicked wrong button, my apologiies [edit not repoly] and i have Host Privileges on the jazz Threads heliocentric, my apologies it was utterly inadvertent - like much else i perpetrate these days!
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostI'd been under the impression that there was less interest in free improvisation in the latter quarter since the departure of mr improv, King Kennytone and others. Maybe I'm wrong.
i think serial apologist keeps the improv thing going regardless, attends lots of live performances of music that most would describe as definitively improv, as well as him being interested in live and recorded music that fits into other stylistic categories. s-a's 'library' is enormous.
but particularly now that alyn's a dj, rather than an educator and historian....things are different.
the current r3 jazz output is so broad, varied, and perhaps music styles are occasionally (imo) wrongly described, or are plain hype sometimes ....that i don't know my arm from my elbow any more ..........as regards current terminology.
in particular, 'improv' seems to have become as stretchy as mozzarella cheese... as a description.
this imo can have the effect that confused terminology throws a listener backwards, back tracking on origins of styles ....just in order to keep track, still be able to describe music accurately and/or recognisably.
charles t - sorry to confuse (and disappoint), i don't mean 'as a new yorker' myself ...i mean bergman as 'a new yorker'! and no, i couldn't possibly afford to live there.... or here for that matter - now you come to mention it!
s-a i am especially enjoying what you describe as hagiographical! though i was thinking more of the word (20th c) 'romanticism' ........rather than anything to do with saints and religion tbh!
Originally posted by handsomefortune View Post
in particular, 'improv' seems to have become as stretchy as mozzarella cheese... as a description.
s-a i am especially enjoying what you describe as hagiographical! though i was thinking more of the word (20th c) 'romanticism' ........rather than anything to do with saints and religion tbh!
I only really find out who I am after a glass of red and a book hurled at the Today programme!
Thanks for posting this Helio. All new to me and I expect well out of my zone although I see in Cook et Morton he recorded a duo with Oliver Lake...maybe a starting point for those of us less into le free but not easy.
BN .
Byas'd Opinion
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostI'd been under the impression that there was less interest in free improvisation in the latter quarter since the departure of mr improv, King Kennytone and others. Maybe I'm wrong.
For my own part, I've dipped my toes into the free improv water occasionally, but never been interested enough to take the plunge. Free jazz, yes, but I've never really got to grips with improv.
That said, I'll definitely be popping along to the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra GIOFest at the end of next month, which has lots of big names involved, George Lewis, Evan Parker, Alex von Schlippenbach, Maggie Nicols being the best known. There's also "a prestigious BBC Radio 3 commission for GIO from influential left field composer, musician Jim O Rourke, (ex Sonic Youth)."
That should be interesting... O'Rourke I can take or leave but the others would definitely be worth seing, and the GIO is one of the best groups of its kind anywhere.