I just heard that Borah Bergman, IMO one of the most original of improvising pianists, died a few days ago. The last time I heard him play, about ten years ago, his music seemed to have taken a turn towards inconsequential notespinning, but the best of his earlier solo albums like Bursts of Joy and A New Frontier as well as the duo with Evan Parker The Fire Tale have an incomparable intensity and complexity - once heard never forgotten.
Borah Bergman
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... a name thta had passed me by heliocentric ...and wicki and youtube have now come to my aid
an appreciation of the artistAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
i am on page 3 of the appreciationcalum da jazbo .... 7 more pages to go which i look forward to reading tomorrow. an exquisite utube link too - a bookmark required defo.
rip borah!
I realise my opening comments might seem inappropriately critical. It was because I'd already had a look on Youtube and not found any of the work of Bergman's that I personally appreciate most, but I hadn't been looking closely enough - here's "Perpetual Springs" from his first album Discovery (1975), in which he plays an overdubbed duet with himself:
I realise my opening comments might seem inappropriately critical.
not really a concern imo heliocentric, as your response is merely you sharing your thoughts.....and spontaneity can be very refreshing.
Originally posted by handsomefortune View PostI realise my opening comments might seem inappropriately critical.
not really a concern imo heliocentric, as your response is merely you sharing your thoughts.....and spontaneity can be very refreshing.
...and isn't automatically to be conflated with impulsiveness...
It's just that, having since the early 1980s been listening to his records and valuing his music very highly, when I saw him play twenty or so years later I was sorely disappointed, because he didn't play the kind of music I'd long admired him for and been inspired by. Which is my problem, of course - I'd be the first to say that a creative musician should follow the direction the music takes them in, rather than endlessly repackaging the same product.
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostIt's just that, having since the early 1980s been listening to his records and valuing his music very highly, when I saw him play twenty or so years later I was sorely disappointed, because he didn't play the kind of music I'd long admired him for and been inspired by. Which is my problem, of course - I'd be the first to say that a creative musician should follow the direction the music takes them in, rather than endlessly repackaging the same product.
One of my favourite quotes is Edgard Varese's: "The artist is seldom, contrary to popular belief, ahead of his [sic] time; on the other hand, most people are far behind their's".
the initial post imo illustrates the trajectory from the many flavours of 'hear & now' sub forum .....to the jazbo quarter....(in all its many flavours). a very worthwhile trip, and in this context suitably presented in mssge 1. perhaps a bit of the impulse to 'make the journey' spills into mssge 1 ..... but criticism is far better than 'i don't normally post on here....have a listen to this' intro! especially regarding an introduction to a musician new to most of us!
i love the appreciation supplied by calum da jazbo ..... it's comparable to stuff written by lonesome and fanatically dedicated 20th c visual artists. (i'm hoping simon cowell reads it, and feels similarly)
i haven't read charles t's interview as yet- looks an intriguing interview with the man imself.
what a trio!
as a new yorker , i don't suppose hollywood will be interested in basing a block buster fillum around bergman somehow.....fortunately! (or, as typed with my left hand: a dhfg tnhba ldfvfbbg frol bd ivorged gf mjtyq3 w vsfwy bjsesq feaz abfgth beagmeb somehow.)
Originally posted by handsomefortune View Postthe trajectory from the many flavours of 'hear & now' sub forum .....to the jazbo quarterLast edited by Guest; 25-10-12, 15:26.
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostI'd been under the impression that there was less interest in free improvisation in the latter quarter since the departure of mr improv, King Kennytone and others. Maybe I'm wrong.According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostI'd been under the impression that there was less interest in free improvisation in the latter quarter since the departure of mr improv, King Kennytone and others. Maybe I'm wrong.
... i think you are right, while some free jazz is undoubtedly essential to someone of my ilk [Ornette C etc etc] not all is by any means and the others can and no doubt will speak for themselves .... however i am truly grateful to you heliocentric for the introduction to Borah Bergman ... a name not raised by the aforementioned aficionados that i recall ..