You Must Take the A Train, another of those little radio4 gems:
The A Train Radio feature
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apologies here is intended location you can lookit at some picturesLast edited by aka Calum Da Jazbo; 01-07-12, 13:04.According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
thanks grippie, twas a gem, an interesting fleeting glimpse of A train passengers over the years.
did anyone else notice that the dvd seller on the A train took his sales technique 'real serious'....emulating mgm censorship & marketing depts,
You Must Take the A Train
i listened, enjoyed, then sensed a familiar pressure combined with impotence .....i MUST take the A train - or it will close............ what? despite my not living in NY! it struck me as a slightly odd approach to take as far as a programme ending goes. as, to this day, the A train is apparently ram 24/7...according to those featured earlier in the same programme, and the presenter himself, (who apparently suffers car sickness so prefers the train).
it reminded me a little of robert crumb's response to the urgent 1950s instruction that 'you must chew your food 78 times before swallowing'. as part of a US public service announcement, complete with a b/w x ray film of a human skeleton masticating ....and finally swallowing a grey lump that you can see traveling downward on its amazing journey of the digestive system .... yet, eating is something we all normally do, but without counting, or giving a second thought. likewise, people use the A train to get from A-B ... and as a woman passenger expressed so well, 'the A train is a positive leveler, in terms of integration of all peoples'....(well, 99% of them anyhew)!
Originally posted by grippie View PostYou Must Take the A Train, another of those little radio4 gems:
Originally Posted by grippie
Done. (we were well & truly done!)
Gawd knows what I was replying to culum
must be going? NUTS