What Kinda Jazz Will 31 to 47 British Pounds Buy...

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  • charles t
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 592

    What Kinda Jazz Will 31 to 47 British Pounds Buy...

    for an evening [partial] of jazz performance, that is.

    The equivalent into greenbacks spent here at a 'foremost' jazz club here in L.A. during a week in May, will get you one set

    Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke & Jack DeJohnette.

    Just to walk in the door...
  • hackneyvi

    Take a look at Cafe Oto and The Vortex, both at Dalston, London. They're my local clubs and the tickets range from £5 for the National Youth Jazz Orchestra to £15 at most for any other gig.

    I heard Tim Berne, Geoffrey Keever and Joe Locke at the Purcell Room, South Bank Centre; all tickets were £17.50

    Here's the April list for the Dalston Vortex. A large bottle of lager is £4; a pint of orange juice (from a carton - :( ) and soda water is £1.50.

    £10 will get me a seat to hear:

    Anker, Taborn, Cleaver
    Lotte Anker (saxophones), Craig Taborn (piano) and Gerald Cleaver (drums) play adventurous music that can be intensely hypnotic and dense but also beautifully fragile.
    £15 will get me a seat for this:

    Miles Ahead

    Miles Evans, trumpet-playing son of Gil Evans, arrives from New York to join fellow soloist Henry Lowther as the London Jazz Orchestra celebrates Gil's 100th birthday with two live performances of the first collaboration with Miles Davis', Miles Ahead. Scott Stroman has directed the British premiers of all the suites: Miles Ahead, Porgy and Bess, and Sketches of Spain.

    "So faithfully and sensitively did the orchestra perform the suite, all the way from the fevered fanfare of “Buzzard Song” to the jaunty farewell of “There’s a Boat That’s Leaving Soon For New York”, that the highest possible compliment would be to say that there were moments when the music seemed to be playing itself, reanimated once more by Evans’ unique spirit."

    Each 50-minute show will be preceded by a short discussion and question and answer session with Miles, Henry, Scott, and members of the LJO.

    BBC Radio 3 will be making a live recording.
    £25 will get me 2 nights with Mary Halvorson plus Peter Evans, Evan Parker and Craig Taborn

    Thur 24 | 8.30pm

    Parker, Edwards, Marsh invite Mary Halvorson

    Saxophonist Evan Parker's monthly free improvisation residency, with regulars John Edwards (bass) and Tony Marsh (drums), invite special guest, guitarist Mary Halvorson to join them.

    Fri 25 | 8.30pm

    Mary Halvorson

    Tonight she joins forces with renowned British musicians Liam Noble (piano), Rachel Musson (saxophone) and Ben Davis (cello,) for a brand new collaboration.

    Rocket Science

    A collaborative improvising quartet, assembled by trumpeter Peter Evans, and featuring three of his favourite instrumental innovators – saxophonist Evan Parker, pianist Craig Taborn and computer musician Sam Pluta.


    • Byas'd Opinion

      £45 will buy you a ticket to see George Benson at this year's Glasgow Jazz Festival provided you don't mind slumming it in one of the cheap seats. Mind you, I suppose it's a long time since Benson was really jazz. He's now part of mainstream showbiz industry, which charges silly prices. Other forthcoming concerts at the same venue are similarly expensive: £41.50 for Westlife, £50 for Lionel Ritchie, £40 for Neil Sedaka.

      The other concerts at the Glasgow Festival are much more sensibly priced, ranging from £10 to £16 depending on the musicians and the venue. For the price of one ticket for George Benson, you could see gigs by European improv trio Das Kapital, the Robert Glasper Experiment and Ginger Baker's Jazz Confusion and still have enough change for a pint (if you pick a cheap pub). I know which I think will be the better way to use £45.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38184

        Originally posted by Byas'd Opinion View Post
        £45 will buy you a ticket to see George Benson at this year's Glasgow Jazz Festival provided you don't mind slumming it in one of the cheap seats. Mind you, I suppose it's a long time since Benson was really jazz. He's now part of mainstream showbiz industry, which charges silly prices. Other forthcoming concerts at the same venue are similarly expensive: £41.50 for Westlife, £50 for Lionel Ritchie, £40 for Neil Sedaka.

        The other concerts at the Glasgow Festival are much more sensibly priced, ranging from £10 to £16 depending on the musicians and the venue. For the price of one ticket for George Benson, you could see gigs by European improv trio Das Kapital, the Robert Glasper Experiment and Ginger Baker's Jazz Confusion and still have enough change for a pint (if you pick a cheap pub). I know which I think will be the better way to use £45.
        Blimey, Byas'd - those prices are near as expensive as for the London Jazz Festival at the RFH and Barbican - the Benson hedgings even more so! No allowances for Glasgow then, like!


        • Byas'd Opinion

          Glasgow prices are normally a couple of quid lower than that outside festival time: I believe that the venues they use (the City Halls/Old Fruitmarket complex) are expensive to hire, and there's the cost of a professional marketing campaign to be added in.

          Mind you, there's so little live jazz on up here at the moment (a vicious circle of small audiences, a shortage of suitable venues and a lack of funding) that it's hard to make an accurate comparison. But it will be £8 to hear Euan Burton's Occurrences band (with Will Vinson, Mark McKnight, Steve Hamilton and James Maddren) next month, for example. They will be well worth hearing if they're playing anywhere near you, by the way. http://www.euanburton.com/shows/


          • gradus
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5666

            Only £25 needed for a memorable evening in the very agreeable company of Claire Martin and a superb trio, celebrating the Fleece Jazz Club's 1000th gig.


            • Serial_Apologist
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 38184

              Originally posted by gradus View Post
              Only £25 needed for a memorable evening in the very agreeable company of Claire Martin and a superb trio, celebrating the Fleece Jazz Club's 1000th gig.
              £25 to see Claire Martin plus a trio... ahem...


              • grippie

                Do they pay you in cash or a cheque


                • gradus
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5666

                  You don't like Claire Martin? What a pity.


                  • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 9173

                    actually Chas abouit a third of my annual sub to a well known music site where i found the blue potato and other stories

                    According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.

