It seems that the regular 5pm Saturday slot for JRR is becoming a thing of the past. The frequent shuntings to a later hour or cancellations to accommodate live opera etc. can't be improving JRR's audience figures. Having listened to JRR since it started in 1964 I can't recall a time when there were so many disruptions. Are the powers-that-be at Radio 3 aiming to kill off JRR?
JRR disruptions
Originally posted by Jazzrook View PostIt seems that the regular 5pm Saturday slot for JRR is becoming a thing of the past. The frequent shuntings to a later hour or cancellations to accommodate live opera etc. can't be improving JRR's audience figures. Having listened to JRR since it started in 1964 I can't recall a time when there were so many disruptions. Are the powers-that-be at Radio 3 aiming to kill off JRR? is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Norfolk Born
Is part of the disruption due to the fact that, for a short time, the time difference between the UK and the USA means that the relays from the Met 'start' an hour earlier here? Perhaps they put their clocks forward before we do, thereby reducing the time difference until we put ours forward.
the disruptions are not confined to JRR - jazz Library is also postponed without much notice [none as far as i can see but that might just be me ....]
one may well object to this diminishing of the amount of jazz programming by cancellation and terrible graveyard schedules but discussion with the management of radio in the bbc is futile ... they are getting it wrong across the board .... i t feel they do not grasp their mission as public service .... mistaking a faux commercialism for success ...
as to JRR it is perfectly feasible that the time differences are a cause of rescheduling or indeed cancellation .... but it is also a matter of priority and importance innitAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
....and unless Schooby visited New Orleans at some point in the past, Jazzrook, we won't be getting JRR next week either. I was on a good length journey on Saturday around 5pm and looking forward to JRR, but got instead that patronising, pompous presenter from the Met - how I hate that programme - I mean what time do they start opera over there - that must be 11 in the morning they're performing - I struggle to listen to opera any time but 11 in the morning - they must be off their rockers - I assume they probably put it on then because the Big Apple traffic drowns out the screeching and they don't get complaints from the neighbours. Just record the thing and put it on in the middle of the night; and leave Geoffrey Smith in his rightful place.
Norfolk Born
Agreed that Jazz gets a very poor deal from Radio 3.
But it seems to me that JRR may be vulnerable, not only because it's Jazz, but because the JRR formula has become very boring. That is always the same presenter Geoffrey Smith (although you would be hard put to find a better one), and always the same formula, starting with New Orleans, and working historically throught the ages of Jazz. I'm easily bored, so I don't listen to it any more.
And I don't know what the solution is - as you say the other Jazz programmes get axed without notice.
Originally posted by Jazzrook View PostIt seems that the regular 5pm Saturday slot for JRR is becoming a thing of the past. The frequent shuntings to a later hour or cancellations to accommodate live opera etc. can't be improving JRR's audience figures.
Although it is in the Hear and Now section, the post below seemed to be relevant to your own Jazzrook.
There is more inanity than there used to be but overall I like R3 having a more modern tone and find that I listen to it more than formerly. However, I did complain about the cancellation of an edition of Pre-Hear in January. The eventual reply actively vexed me because it seemed to evade the point altogether.
My own correspondence with R3 on the cancellation of Pre-Hear continues. The procedure for registering comments is a little tedious (and you may wait weeks for a reply) but I think making your point directly is worthwhile.
well good luck hackneyvi and nice to see you its been a while as they say ....
i have come to the dispiriting conclusion that putting one's point of view to R3 management is a waste of time .. aand we will have to outlive them any way that is my plan ...According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post....and unless Schooby visited New Orleans at some point in the past, Jazzrook, we won't be getting JRR next week either. I was on a good length journey on Saturday around 5pm and looking forward to JRR, but got instead that patronising, pompous presenter from the Met - how I hate that programme - I mean what time do they start opera over there - that must be 11 in the morning they're performing - I struggle to listen to opera any time but 11 in the morning - they must be off their rockers - I assume they probably put it on then because the Big Apple traffic drowns out the screeching and they don't get complaints from the neighbours. Just record the thing and put it on in the middle of the night; and leave Geoffrey Smith in his rightful place.Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Originally posted by Mr Pee View PostI am sure that if I was that dismissive and condescending about Jazz (or even the music of John Cage hey pekoe ??
I would rightly be castigated by those who enjoy it.
I find it hard to believe that a contributor to these boards can be so where has our academic friend got to these days ?
it's not a question of anyone being 'ignorant', apart from those who repeatedly change broadcast schedules, yet provide inadequate, or no explanation.
but it is a question of taste, which can tend to be habitual.
since this is the case, it is hardly suprising that selected art forms being eclipsed by other 'priorities' may offend people.
as per sudden changes, this far, do i understand that jazz library, jrr, world routes, are all affected by the schedule changes this weekend?
therefore it's surely natural to assume that listeners to these specific programmes affected will be miffed, and possibly retaliate by criticising other art forms. perhaps a sort of 'arts punch up' is healthy ...? but probably not!
however, i think more sincere opera boffins will be able to take the heat of any criticsim ....(apart from a tiny minority) who may enjoy the drama of being mildly offended. especially since it conveniently distracts from the central issue that other programmes are apparently perceived dispensable.
if paranoidly, perhaps some might just think that 'the wider opera audience' who may well have imbibed too much 'snog, marry or avoid' + 'opera at the ny met', having absorbed the main principles, may well feel triumphant that both jazz and world music have been 'avoided'?
still, lack of empathy typifies the rather insecure, insular world of 'high culture' unfortunately....imv historically, it appears to concertedly lack empathy for some reason? which i too admit to thinking, having accidentally caught snatches of 'ny met' commentary and discussion...but that's just my habitual taste and pov of course. (i was waiting for 'hear & now' to begin, and was appalled, taken unawares tbh. perhaps a countdown might have helped me prepare for 'ny chic')?
i also admit to concluding that some opera might well be the chosen music of bankers.suspect some imagine that world, and jazz music is the chosen music of 'scruffy, low types' who 'deserve' little. but 'none' is taking any institutional assumptions about taste way too far. so i, for one, will feel the void left this weekend, specifically due to the cancellation of all the programmes that i might just bother getting my biro out for.
yeh but JRR gets shafted regularly because it is the Met NYC ... it has to be a cheap deal dunnit .... if i was an opera buffo i'd wanna know why British and even Euro productions get such short shrift ....[mebbe they don't, mebbe they deserve it ... but they have the inestimable advantage of a time of day that would not shove JRR around]According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.