Jazz record requests - xmas edition

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    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 4353

    Jazz record requests - xmas edition

    Greetings survivors of the great purge!

    Just a reminder that I have requested Sonny Boy Newk's "distracted" take on "Winter Wonderland" (Standard Sonny Rollins) for YOU LOT on the Xmas JRR. Sonny avec NY brandy and toasted Selmer and young and nervous Herbie H in the back on the upright.

    Have a good one. See yous in 2011.

  • eighthobstruction
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 6527

    Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooray....good to see you!

    Will there be Wisemen?....we need'em....Will there be Yo ho ho?....not if Ellliot Morley is Santa....Will there be Vince Pies?....
    bong ching


      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 4353

      "In the dark times
      Will there also be singing?
      Yes, there will also be singing.
      ...about the dark times." ~ Bertolt "Blues Boy" Brecht

      "Dark was the night" ~ Blind Willie Johnson


      • eighthobstruction
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6527

        I bring light <availableLightisUS>..

        There unfortunately no images in Google involving Father Xmas and Cormorants....a great shame I feel....
        bong ching


        • Tenor Freak
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 1075

          You could always make one up...
          all words are trains for moving past what really has no name


          • eighthobstruction
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 6527

            What me?? with me poor little lepers digits, mind and learning capability of poodle gone to the middle east....chaaaa no paintyboxy sticky on UB40 cable couldn't.....just couldnt....
            bong ching


            • aka Calum Da Jazbo
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 9173

              El Senor!!! Great to see ya! is Big Ron coming? how is Moira etc ....

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


              According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


              • Anna

                I have requested a JRR dedicated to all the Boredees of R3 MBs. It is Ornette Coleman's Ramblin'. in particular memory of KINGKENNYTONE.


                • charles t
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 592

                  KINGKENNYTONE? What is with you Brits abdicating?

                  Kenny leaves a trail of cormorants' bird feed with expectations of return to domicile refuge...but with this parched economy the birds prevail!

                  He then wanders into a Starbucks for the free wi-fi but La-Te's price too prohibitive.

                  "Guvnor: Which way to The British Museum?"


                  • Ian Thumwood
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 4361

                    Is King KennyTone dead?

                    Long live the king!!!


                    • Anna

                      I have found this King Kenny, from last year

                      I am King Kennytone, a harmless jazz enthusiast.

                      Well Roger, I am sorry the way things have gone. Back when I was a young king kennytone, back before the capital Ks so ter speak, the beloved & holy BBC had hep & informed jazz presentation, cats like Charles Fox, & across the bored (ahem) a more open & innovative EAR for such as AMM, Cardew all that kinda stuff to ...

                      I'm afraid the erudition & insight of the old presenters has been replaced by slack-jawed golly gosh magazine type presentation

                      COME ON MAN GET A GRIP

                      time to maybe question the farming out of this VITAL music to such fizzy 'cross-platform' franchises as the dumb-ass Somethin' Else Productions

                      Their day has gone
                      For many of us, it never was a day, just a LONG DREARY fade into trivia

                      TIME TO TAKE MUSIC SERIOUSLY MR WRIGHT ahem
                      cough cough etc

                      I can't go on..


                      • PatrickOD

                        Just to say I thought today's JRR was one of the best in recent weeks. And what a finish! And a start! And a middle!

                        Geoffrey Smith presents a selection of listeners' jazz requests.

                        I have a particular soft spot for George Lewis's Burgundy Street Blues, and I really enjoy his version of it with talking blues vocal by Marianne(?) Moore.
                        Any takers?


                        • Ian Thumwood
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 4361


                          I know the George Lewis record you are talking about and must admit I thought the version I heard this evening was far, far superior. Lewis is a musician whose appeal has alluded me albeit I have a box set of the Jelly Roll Morton LoC recordings that includes one of John Lomax' interviews with Alphone Picou (I think) where you get a good sense of where the archaic style of Lewis's originated.

                          For me, the best track was the Basie version of "Ev'ry Tub" as this is a kind of Swing nirvhana for me. An essential recoring by the band who transformed the "vintage" into the "modern." The rest of the programme was a very mixed band. I have the Chris McGregor CD from which "Country Cooking" was taken and it is a huge disappointment on the whole. That title track is one of te best moments but this edition of BoB was not a great one in my opinion. I quite liked the Hall / Evans duet but much of the rest of the jazz played was a bit conservative for my taste. JRR works best when there is a wide range of styles from esrly to contemporary. When it falls in the zone of 30's / 50's, the choices are often predictable. Still waiting to hear if my choice has been selected - about time we heard some Dave Douglas on the programme!!

