yes folks same old time not the new whizz to enthuse the jazz audience, middle of the night ...
Alyn plays tracks suggested by listeners in response to the broadcast programmes ...strong brit representation including the wonderful ms Winstone with John Taylor and Kenny Wheeler ...
if you feel any trace of irritation or discontent at the rescheduling, may i urge you to email the programme using the link on its web page ... Alyn will convey the messages to 'management'
after you have done that you could consider the Prime Minister, the Culture Secretary, the Rt Hon Ken Clarke, your MP, the chair of the Culture Ctte and all its members, the Chair of BBC Trust Lord Patten and Uncle Tom Cobley but i wouldn't trouble yerselves .... skin, rice pudding and can't knock off come to mind eh?
Alyn plays tracks suggested by listeners in response to the broadcast programmes ...strong brit representation including the wonderful ms Winstone with John Taylor and Kenny Wheeler ...
if you feel any trace of irritation or discontent at the rescheduling, may i urge you to email the programme using the link on its web page ... Alyn will convey the messages to 'management'
after you have done that you could consider the Prime Minister, the Culture Secretary, the Rt Hon Ken Clarke, your MP, the chair of the Culture Ctte and all its members, the Chair of BBC Trust Lord Patten and Uncle Tom Cobley but i wouldn't trouble yerselves .... skin, rice pudding and can't knock off come to mind eh?