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  • Pilchardman

    Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
    Never learned how P!
    There's an icon that looks like a couple of frames of film above the reply field. Click it and paste your url in there.

    (Don't you hate newbies and their book learnin' ?)

    Oh, and Lonnie's one of my favourites. Nice clip.


    • Ian Thumwood
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 4361

      I've been checking out a CD I bought my Dad as a present and think that the album "Rebirth of New Orleans" by the excellent Rebirth Brass Band is one of the best discs of the year. Previously we have both been fans of the wonderful Dirty Dozen but Rebirth's apporach is far more rugid and very much a street music. The new CD is absolutely killing mixing traditional New Orleans grooves with funk and rap and includes the kind of innuendo that Jelly Roll Morton would have approved of. I love the way that the tuba farts out the bass lines and the way the band conjure up riffs. The total opposite of something like the , Lennie Tristano.MJQ or Bill Evans, but no less valid as creative jazz in my opinion. However, I can still hear a lot of this music in some avant garde jazz and it is immediately apparent why the idiom appealed to someone like Lester Bowie. (Wondered if anyone had heard Dave Douglas' brass band which is an altogether different kind of ensemble?)

      The whole album is a pleasure to listen too and got me thinking just how little appreciated this style of music is on this board. No one gives it much time on any of these threads (can't recall if it has ever cropped up in any discussion) but this music is AUTHENTIC jazz . I love the way that it is so in the tradition yet remains resolutely contemporary at the same time. It is great the way that this idiom has absorbed funk and rap too - perhaps gorging itself on rap in a way that is far more successful that any other form of jazz which has perhaps tried to make rap respectable. Instead, Rebirth respect the music of the street and I feel this music is far more in keeping with what jazz should be about in some respects more than a lot of post 1945 - Modern Jazz. Rebirth seem intent of reclaiming jazz as a dance music and I would like to share my enthusiasm for this music:-

      Here is a clip where they are playing a tune that features on the new CD and which I believe was written by former member "Trombone Shorty" who is now enjoying a degree of fame in his own right. Not quite sure who A P Turaud is but this tune is named after him:-

      Safe to say that is you don't enjopy this music, you are probably dead!!
      Last edited by Ian Thumwood; 02-10-11, 19:10.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38185

        It'd be nice to have something of this sort on demonstrations against the cuts - much preferable to our tedious ubiquitous drum + whistle bands that just add a lot of noise to the now obligatory hooters and leave it at that.


        • Ian Thumwood
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 4361

          Picked up the album "Ninety miles" by the combined leadership team of David Sanchez, Christian Scott and Stefon Harris who put tow different Cuban rhythm sections through their paces. Not quite sure on this one. The two bands are exceptional and the quality of playing is top-notch., However, not an enthused by it as other discs I have in the oeuvre. What is interesting is how savvy the Cuban musicians are to contempoary American jazz and this is not "Buena Vista" / Nostalgia act by any means. The reviews have been extremely favourable and the record is very much a benchmark of where the current jazz mainstream is with twisted, convulkated themes and a propensity for odd meters within which all the musicians seem entriely happy.

          However, this record has really grabbed me on the first couple of listens. There is almost a coolness mixed within the excitement that i feel stems a lot from the vibes playing of Stefon Harris. The Cubans are especially good and David Sanchez is one musician who I feel does not get enough recognition of this board. Sometimes i feel that the lazy comments about musicians being "Coltrane clones" you frequesntly read must have been made in total ignorance of someone like David Sanchez who is not only very much a man with his own sound but someone with his own concept of allowing contempoary jazz feed off a multitude of Latin musics. On this board, latin jazz is seriously over-looked but I think the way that is has evolved over the last ten or so years demonstrates that if you want to consider the contemporary jazz scene seriously, this music must be given it's due consideration. This is strange to my ears and I would thoroughly concur with Dizzy Gilliespie's comments that the excitement of Afro-Cuban jazz was akin to the joy man experienced whn he discovered fire. I would add that Latin jazz does with rhythm what Bach did for counter-point with his fugues.

          "Ninety Miles" is the kind of record that couldn't have been made as recently as twenty years ago both from a point of view of technical prowess and the fact that jazz has become increasingly more sophisticated. A far more confident disc that the kind of Latin / jazz fusions of the 50's ever produced, it is interesting never-the-less.


          • burning dog
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 1515

            The Rebirth band are fairly polished against this lot


            • aka Calum Da Jazbo
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 9173


              ...i know i know i just don't care is all .....
              Last edited by aka Calum Da Jazbo; 10-10-11, 08:10.
              According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


              • Ian Thumwood
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 4361

                Been checking this out:-

                Warning (some of these images and the language may upset some people.)

                Powerful stuff.


                • burning dog
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 1515


                  40 years old this month ( the track not the gig)
                  Last edited by burning dog; 11-10-11, 21:21.


                  • handsomefortune

                    [QUOTE=Ian Thumwood;90498]Been checking this out:-

                    Warning (some of these images and the language may upset some people.)

                    Powerful stuff.

                    the only image that upsets me about your vid ian , is the shot of george bush looking through the aeroplane window. what was he thinking? 'oh shux, should have sorted out those barrierfications to keep the place from flooding'; or, more than likely, perhaps he thought 'great, i can't wait to get back home away from the riff raff, get on with blowing a few more hundred iraqi civilians up'.


                    i love the audience shots in burning dog's live gig of 'what's going on' ..... breathtaking.


                    • handsomefortune

                      Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post

                      ...i know i know i just don't care is all .....
                      erm, i am upset at the huge size of the rubber bullets - no one mentioned this when they were discussed recently by dave & co.

                      tennessee ernie ford's song lyrics might be an anthem for current US protesters. it might work well with the 'give us back our american dream' crowd messages. (except ernie's lyrics emphasise that living in the US has longsince involved 'owing your soul' for a large section of people). now, we've got a similar mentality here too ....xxxxxx marvellous isn't it! as for the line about st peter .....why don't the religious right in the US seem to worry at all about meeting Him? that is, IF they're genuinely religious, rather than manipulative, greedy control freaks, who think nothing of using faith as a foil!?


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38185

                        I always liked the story of the IRA man who, having blown himself up with his home-made bomb, arrives at the Pearly Gates, to be greeted by St Peter, who tells him, "You sinned - you're not coming in here!" To which the IRA man replies, "You're too right I'm not coming in there - you've all got 5 minutes to get out!"


                        • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 9173

                          According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                          • handsomefortune

                            the ira man is consistent, at least!

                            i was listening to rich hall, who seemed relevant to this thread, although he's not singing, or being musical.

                            for anyone who missed him on tv

                            Rich Hall sifts truth from fiction in Hollywood's version of the USA's southern states.


                            • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 9173

                              consistency .... relevance! this is a jazz thread ....

                              According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                              • Ian Thumwood
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 4361


                                Probably the most successful fusion of Brazilian music and jazz where neither is compromised. I have seen this band twice and think they are terrific. Her husband is the excellent drummer:-

