Barbara Thompson to appear on 24 Hours in A&E - Oct 8

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38184

    Barbara Thompson to appear on 24 Hours in A&E - Oct 8

    I just heard: one for the diary.

    The part of the programme on Barbara deals with a heart problem recently discovered as well as Barbara's 23 years brave ongoing battle with Parkinsons, on top of everything else, including coping with Jon's death 2 years ago, and the commentary is from her daughter Ana.

    It goes out at 9pm on Channel 4 on October 8th as part of the regular series.
  • Boilk
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 976

    Thanks, recorded and now watched. Quite sad, have been an admirer since the mid-80s.

    Also watched this program tonight - different to (and better than) the C5 program a few weeks back.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38184

      Originally posted by Boilk View Post
      Thanks, recorded and now watched. Quite sad, have been an admirer since the mid-80s.

      Also watched this program tonight - different to (and better than) the C5 program a few weeks back.
      My apologies - I was told the programme was tonight, and missed it. I've now watched it on Ch4's iplayer equivalent - you now have to register, and what a palaver! Anyway, Barbara was being he brave self, and Ana was strong in giving a potted résumé of her career backdrop, along with all the bad stuff that's visited them in the past few years. I know Barbara quite well, have known about the Parkinsons almost since that started at the end of the 1990s. I knew Jon too, and it was so good to see Barbara back home at the end of the programme, playing her sop, with colour back in her cheeks. Beyond being, in my opinion, one of the most important female jazz musicians anywhere, Barbara really is everything her daughter said about her, and we can only wish her well and will her on. Can't wait to see that book!


        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 4353

        Slightly related to the topic, this is rare...

        Group Sounds Five - "Black & White Raga" (Henry Lowther, Lyn Dobson, Ron Rubin, Ken McCarthy (piano), Jon Heisman. Recorded 1965 at the Paris Theatre. Tape from the Neil Ardley tape library.

        You can hear the influences, Miles et all, but it's still an indication of how good the British scene was...

