Originally posted by Ian Thumwood
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I have little interest in history after 1918.

Did anyone else watch Amy at Glasty 2007? I didn't manage to catch her announcements of the other band members, when each of them wwas allowed their two bars of creativity. The guy on trumpet she referred to as "Henry" I thought was Quentin Collins, and the first of the two sax players, whose baritone break elicited the one burst of audience enthralment of the entire two sets, Robin Fincker. The quieter of the two lead guitarists sounded as if his name was "Harry", but it could well have been Hawi Gondwe, one of the Jazz Warriors acolytum. Watching Amy always produces lumps in my throat for what she might have been, had she stayed in with the convivial jazz crowd she had been in with early on. She may not have had the voice and expressive range of Julie Driscoll, who for me was the greatest white Soul singer this country has produced, but she had amazing freedom with the pulse compared with all the regular run-of-the-mill Aretha copyists back to year dot, seeming to understand instinctively the looseness Billie took into popular music from the Blues. And her materials weren't all rubbish by any means. I might see if I can find out who her backing line-up were for the date.