Garding the Sound Barrier, then popping the Cherry.

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  • Ian Thumwood
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 4361

    Originally posted by BLUESNIK'S REVOX View Post
    Yes, thanks for that. There's a long filmed interview with Jack Sheldon on YouTube, I think for a jazz archive somewhere. And as that piece says, he was constantly trying to improve and, I think, taking advice on trumpet technicalities, technique & tone. His humour however was pretty "broad" and I imagine that could really irritate after a while. But I do like his playing particularly some of the earlier stuff with Pepper and Curtis Counce. He sometimes got himself into places that he just about got out of, which added to the interest.
    I have to admit that I am still trying to recover after listening to the Pat Boone "heavy metal" track on JRR this morning. The Sheldon track was terrific, though. It is amazing how influential the Gil Evans recordings with Miles were and the orchestration by Marty Paich was impressive. Paich is one of those names that keeps on cropping up in connection with jazz in the 1950s. The obvious record is the brilliant album with the great Art Pepper plus the stuff he made with Mel Torme. He is a name I have often encountered yet I had to google him this morning as I did not really know a great deal about him. There is reference to him studying with Arnold Schoenberg with whom he took private lessons. Marty Paich is someone who gets overlooked these days yet whenever you hear something by him the music always sounds good. These days it is easy to single out the innovations in orchestration to Gil Evans yet I think is over simplifies the broader picture with other arrangers from that era overdue some credit.

    The opening Benny Goodman track was also pretty special. He is another musician, albeit from another era, for whom I have a lot of time for.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38184

      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
      Fri 1 May
      11pm - Late Junction
      [..] a wild performance by trumpeter Don Cherry with the late Krzystof Penderecki.
      I'd nearly forgotten about this, on tonight. Just thought I'd bump it up.

      Penderecki died last month. He was pronounced Kshishtof Penderetsky, I believe, unless somebody would like to correct me.

