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Some "new" excellent Dexter, or at least a date I hadn't seen before. Just up on YouTube. Dex, Georges Arvanitas, Alby Cullar, Daniel Humair, French TV July 1973, "Paris Jazz Session"..."Days of wine and roses".
Dexter before the tonal hardness & dry rigidity set in, still with "moisture" and deftness...
There's a story doing the rounds on the saxophone forums that Dex had his Conn 10M & Dukoff Hollywood mouthpiece (as featured on the cover of his LP "A Swinging Affair") stolen in transit at some point in the 1960s. Certainly by the time he was in Copenhagen, he had changed his horn to a Selmer Mk 6. At one point he had a Selmer Mk 6 which was finished with pink lacquer! Well it was the late 1960s, everyone was dropping acid, I know I did, as a toddler in Hounslow West, I swear the seven-sided cupola of the Tube station grew a number of corners at the time.
This may go some way to explain the change in his sound as the 70s progressed. Mouthpieces and horns are very personal, and his ideal setup, having been nicked by some cvnt, would be a bastard to replace. Hence the harshness of his sound a bit later in life.
Oh, go on then: words are trains for moving past what really has no name