is that track off a whole cd? if so, what's it called?
i hope thompson's new compositions are going well ....she's lucky like that at least, as despite her illness, she can still create. has she got any new stuff out?
wyatt always sounds like terry hall, of 'the specials' fame to me. or at least, i should say .. terry sounds like robert, i guess.
wyatt seems such a rare and gentle personality. mr h's fave is 'shipbuilding' totp vid, where he sums up the whole 80s decade emotionally, ('beneath the (80s) bluster'- to quote you, from upthread there) but so very odd to see 'the specials' live, now re playing their 80s hits....and no new material. yet, a reflection of current times, is absolutely nailed in 'simplify reduce' lyric .....but the same currency is entirely absent from 'the specials' live set, unfortunately.
to cross thread a minute - the venue pictured in the vid to this track you posted, looks alot like how i imagine your evening last night, darn sarf! i totally agree regarding music ideally taking place in a venue that looks a shambles btw s a...... nothing like it. (a large ungainly domestic onstage lampshade is always a good sign in my book) though evidently the proms don't seem to have cottoned on - and are sticking to the orchestra pit having 'lapdancing lighting' ....apparently.
btw regarding harry beckett - if there's to be endless repeats on 'jazz library' - i'd love a repeat of the harry beckett edition. especially if we could effectively 'go round harry's flat' (virtually) as we could last time round. i loved that so much - not least, as it was intelligent use of online archive media and a really well researched prog, to boot. plus, harry's flat was ace, as is his trumpeting, and 'bluster-free' personality.
however, arguably 'bluster' has got its uses, and can get you everywhere. perhaps this is the decade of 'who blusters loudest wins'!