Avishai could play like that...

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38192

    Avishai could play like that...

    Sat 17 Aug
    5pm - Jazz Record Requests

    Note the hour later than usual start time

    6pm - J to Z
    Jumoké Fashola with live music by saxophonist Josephine Davies. And saxophonist Trish Clowes shares her musical influences.

    A repeat, but well worth tuning in for news and views from two very gifted young women musicians, even if you listened first time around.

    Jumoké Fashola presents saxophonist Josephine Davies in session with her Satori project.

    12midnight - Geoffrey Smith's Jazz.

    Another repeat: this one of the Bill Coleman programme.

    Mon 19 Aug
    11pm - Jazz Now

    Soweto Kinch talks to Avishai Cohen about his recent work and presents highlights of his gig recorded last November at the London Jazz Festival.

    Soweto Kinch talks to Avishai Cohen about his recent work.

    Tues 20 Aug - Radio 2
    9pm - The Jazz Show

    Jamie Cullum with new and classic jazz recordings. Plus studio guests, tonight with UK singer/songwriter, producer and DJ Scrimshire sharing his influences and discussing his latest album Listeners.

    I wonder if he's any relation to the fine, late British mainstream pianist and Humph acolyte, Neville Scrimshire.

    Far outist explorers may be interested to know that scrap/found objects into instruments-maker Adam Bohman does a presumably freely improvised session with a cellist, Oliver Coates, and multi-instrumentalist (it says here) Laurie Tompkins on next Thursday's Late Junction, at 11pm.