Album For Today
Not sure if this is supposed to be serious but discovered this singer on the Sunnyside label's website. This duo have a new album out , the blurb looks promising , the album cover is quirky yet I'm staggered by the singer's sense of timing. Her pitch control is pretty amazing too. Jazz torch song singer re-imagined by David Lynch:-
Appearing at a pub near you soon - or perhaps not.
recorded in '66 an astonishing Richard Davis on bass is the icing on the cake for me
Certainly Friedman challenges listeners with this music, but he also challenges his own abilities and concepts. For the time period, it is one of the most vital, original, progressive statements, and one that, after all these years, retains a timeless freshness that bears not only a second listening, but consideration as a creative music hallmark.According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.