The New Tony Williams Lifetime - Believe It (1975)
Although I’ve had this CD since about 1991 I’ve not listened to it more than about ten times. The first track, 'Snake Oil' is far too Rockist (ok, it’s a fusion album, but even so). Happily the next track 'Fred' features some impossibly virtuosic guitar runs by Allan Holdsworth, as do the next two as well. Tony Williams' drumming throughout is what you’d expect from one of the most talented drummers ever, but I can’t help thinking that he’s wasted playing rock, which is what a lot of this album is. Well I guess it’s what he wanted to do at that moment in time, so why not? I’m not putting rock, or rock drummers down, it’s just that jazz offers more breathing space.
Edit: Such a fluid solo from AH on Mr Spock, but TW’s amazing simultaneous drumming is distracting! (no pleasing some people!)
Although I’ve had this CD since about 1991 I’ve not listened to it more than about ten times. The first track, 'Snake Oil' is far too Rockist (ok, it’s a fusion album, but even so). Happily the next track 'Fred' features some impossibly virtuosic guitar runs by Allan Holdsworth, as do the next two as well. Tony Williams' drumming throughout is what you’d expect from one of the most talented drummers ever, but I can’t help thinking that he’s wasted playing rock, which is what a lot of this album is. Well I guess it’s what he wanted to do at that moment in time, so why not? I’m not putting rock, or rock drummers down, it’s just that jazz offers more breathing space.
Edit: Such a fluid solo from AH on Mr Spock, but TW’s amazing simultaneous drumming is distracting! (no pleasing some people!)
