Last week's repeat from 18 Nov to be repeated tomorrow???

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38192

    Last week's repeat from 18 Nov to be repeated tomorrow???

    Sat 24 Feb

    I can't quite bring myself to believing I am having to write this:

    And yet again Freeness is another repeat, though in this instance the link does not show from when.

    Corey Mwamba shares new free jazz and a work inspired by a piano dropped into deep waters.

    Sun 25 Feb

    So basically with the exception of Alyn's programme, Radio 3 has abandoned the idea of jazz broadcasting, one of the few remaining oases of high standards, amid an entrenched morass of decimated music led by donkeys, sorry, introduced by chatty self-aggrandising "hosts" interspersed with "trails" for other prograrmmes of decimated music introduced by chatty self-aggrandising "hosts" interspersed by "trails" for... oh sorry, I seem to be repeating myself.
  • Old Grumpy
    Full Member
    • Jan 2011
    • 3695


    Still, new financial year coming up, let's hope for new programmes eh?


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38192

      Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post

      Still, new financial year coming up, let's hope for new programmes eh?
      Personally I'm not as nonchalant about the number of repeats we've been having over recent months. Have there ever been as many? And now we're getting repeats of repeats! It will take some time for new budgets to translate into future broadcasts - will we have to put up with repeats in the meantime? A lot of us thought the amount of jazz being put out by Radio 3 had been improving, but it now seems back to square 1, or even before that.


      • Old Grumpy
        Full Member
        • Jan 2011
        • 3695

        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post

        Personally I'm not as nonchalant about the number of repeats we've been having over recent months. Have there ever been as many? And now we're getting repeats of repeats! It will take some time for new budgets to translate into future broadcasts - will we have to put up with repeats in the meantime? A lot of us thought the amount of jazz being put out by Radio 3 had been improving, but it now seems back to square 1, or even before that.
        Not nonchalant, more resigned. I agree it seems like there have never been as many repeats.

        Perhaps I should have included this emoji in my last post :irony3:, but I'm afraid it doesn't convey irony to me!


        • Andrew Slater
          Full Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 1810

          They seem to have changed the J to Z repeat to a repeat from the 2nd December 2023.
          Sunday's Freeness seems to be a new programme (with a current pid). (Or have I missed something?)


          • Ian Thumwood
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 4363

            I feel that, post-pandemic, there has been a massive sea change in culture and that the hiatus whilst normal life was stopped had prompted some major cultural shifts especially with how art is consumed. It has also manifested itself in a broader context too. There seems to be an App for everything these days and I just feel that society has moved completely towards a system whereby everything has been compromised to suit mobile phone access. I am not a fan of Apps as they never seem to work efficiently (I am thinking about all sorts of things such as accessing my shares and pensions, getting Hive to work, booking tickets on line for Saint Mary's or Lords, etc, etc.) You cannot even park your car without an App!

            In my opinion, this change in society does have a knock on effect insofar that it will enure that music will eventually be consumed on your mobile as opposed to the radio. (It has been almost impossible to buy a decent pocket DAB radio for football this week- a sign of how things are changing ) and this will ulimately have a bearing on what music is made available by public services. There is plenty of jazz you can listen to from the BBC online and you can access it any time you wish. You do not have to wait for the radio programme to be broadcast to have access to the music. What I feel the ultimate outcome of this will be sometime in the future is that the BBC will be available as an App and not something require either a radio or TV for. There will also be an issue that legacy material will be so vast that I feel there will not be a need to make new programmes as the bank from which to access any type of music will be infinite. You can already see thi happening with Youtube where nothing is too obscure to have been uploaded. If BBC radio does have a footprint, the local news will have disappeared and rhe BBC will become one of the few remaining trusted sources of international news with little interest in making new music,

            Music coverage eventually get down to the lowest common denominator. I was shocked to discover that there was a programme called the "Classical Mixtape" on last riday night when I was driving back from Marks. It was a 30 minute programme with no announcer and eclectic selection of some classical music and other music's from the fringe of classical music.No-one explained what was being played yet it was intriguing finding how unrelated but compatible this music was. I just felt that this was an enlightening experience because it must have been so cheap to make. Ten years ago this would have been unthinkable but it is logical if people are accessing their music by mobile phone instead of the radio. Why do you need someone to present the music if you can stream whatever takes your fancy whether you are a stuck-in -the -mud or someone who loves exploring and taking a chance on music ? I am not surprised by the diminished jazz output as it must mean spending money on something which is less and less popular and, dare I say it, less and less relevant. A "Jazz mixtape" in the future would not be a surprise to me and nor would the end of BBC's commitment to jazz either. If a station as populrist as Radio 2 is struggling, I would argue make the most of whatever jazz is on Radio 3 as it won;t be around for long. It has long since disappeared from local radio. I bet that the diminution of the range of music on radio goes well beyond jazz with all sorts of music being limited whether we are talking about folk, C&W, Reggae, Heavy Metal, etc, etc. Whole ouevres will end up being discarded and people will be force to go to sites like Youtube or Internet stations to hear their favouite music as it will no longer be viable on a national broadcaster, BBC or independent. Outside of the BBC, the output of independent stations is increasingly hegenomous.

            It is probably fair to say that the people in the BBC producing programmes these days are of a different generation and increasingly one where jazz is not deemed relevant but catering to an audience who streams music and matching their expectations is the raison d'etre behind a lot of the production. There was a time when people were arguing that jazz was being dumbed down on the BBC. We are now in a "post-dumbed down" world where the criteria will ultimately be how suitable something is to be streamed and perhaps has the requisite levels of fidelity.

            I use to laugh in the 1980s at people who said "jazz was dead." i feel that in 2024 it is being undermined and as people prefer to stream music as opposed to eiter listen to it on the radio or performed live, it is likely to be just one area of music that is forced away from the mainstream which will increasingly be looking to latch on to the nostalgic tastes of the large majority of people who can be ar5sed to listen to music or replaced wall to wall by the next Taylor Swift. Jazz has generally be under-served by radio stations although it has held it's head above the water up until the 2000s. I am not sure that the next generation f music fans will have the patience for jazz or whether there will be sufficient jazz musicians looking to make a difference. There is still some terrific and innovative jazz being recorde but I do fear just how long this will last or be perceived to be relevant. I am starting to think that jazz will probably be a 100% nostalgia act in about twenty year's time., I cannot see jazz as being strong enough to fight the combined battles against indifference and technology. We are already in an age where there are only a small numer of peple who could have heard Charlie Parker play live - a time when music really mattered.


            • BLUESNIK'S REVOX
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 4356

              Twenty years before the pandemic, this was hugely influential in academic circles. The growing isolation of individuals and their social activity, consumption, actual interconnection etc etc but NOW multiplied by social media and mobile technology.

              "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community

              by Robert D. Putnam

              (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000). In a groundbreaking book based on vast data, Putnam shows how we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors, and our democratic structures– and how we may reconnect."

              Revival was optimistic.


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38192

                Originally posted by Andrew Slater View Post
                They seem to have changed the J to Z repeat to a repeat from the 2nd December 2023.
                Sunday's Freeness seems to be a new programme (with a current pid). (Or have I missed something?)
                Thanks Andrew - I don't know what happened there; perhaps they put up the wrong repeat!


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38192

                  What a lovely story from Coleridge Goode about Django Reinhardt only being prepared to play alongside the two English guys on that 1948 recording with Stephane Grappelli after they showed they had no advantages of guitar design over his! I must have missed that first time around.

                  Was anyone else struck by Dinah Washington similarities with Ray Charles when covering that ballad - the clipped bluesy phrasing?... not the growl, of course! But Ray tended to tone down the gruff stuff in the orchestral settings of a few years earlier. Interesting selection this week, helping to make up for yesterday's poor repeat, though I could have well done without the Max Roach/Buddy Rich track!


                  • BLUESNIK'S REVOX
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 4356

                    Dinah is hit and miss with me. That track and others like it (arranged by Quincy Jones?) are great, the Bessie Smith stuff too, and I do like the "jam session" record she made with Clifford Brown, Joe Maini, Harold Land. But, she could be very broad & over rich, almost into Shirley Bassey territory. And I don't mean Tax exile Switzerland.

                    The comparison with Ray is interesting, and the Quincy link, and maybe her later career could have gone in that direction but she died too soon. Aretha was influenced and maybe took on the female Ray role for a while. "It won't be long" is definitely Ray.

                    Agree about the Roach/Rich. Definitely.


                    • Old Grumpy
                      Full Member
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 3695

                      TRIGGER WARNING...

                      ...JRR repeat alert for next week ???


                      • Serial_Apologist
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 38192

                        Originally posted by BLUESNIK'S REVOX View Post
                        Dinah is hit and miss with me. That track and others like it (arranged by Quincy Jones?) are great, the Bessie Smith stuff too, and I do like the "jam session" record she made with Clifford Brown, Joe Maini, Harold Land. But, she could be very broad & over rich, almost into Shirley Bassey territory. And I don't mean Tax exile Switzerland.

                        Shirley Bassey's fine for ear wax clearing - definitely more efficient than Albert Ayler!


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38192

                          Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post
                          TRIGGER WARNING...

                          ...JRR repeat alert for next week ???
                          Yeah but it's the Wayne Shorter episode, and I think we can agree to that one being acceptable, no?


                          • Old Grumpy
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 3695


                            Justification: Posted in exasperation just after listening to this week's episode on Sounds. I had to do a double take and relisten to the information about the repeat!


                            • Serial_Apologist
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 38192

                              Originally posted by Old Grumpy View Post

                              Justification: Posted in exasperation just after listening to this week's episode on Sounds. I had to do a double take and relisten to the information about the repeat!

