Bob Belden - Tenorist/Arranger Dead at 58

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  • charles t
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 592

    Bob Belden - Tenorist/Arranger Dead at 58

    From the U.K. mag Jazzwise learn of the passing of Bob Belden just two days ago - Wednesday.

    Jazzwise, the UK's biggest selling jazz monthly and the leading English language jazz magazine in Europe, has changed the way jazz magazines look and think with a stunning editorial and design package that reaches out to both the new jazz audience and established fans – qualities that have led to it winning Jazz Publication of the Year at both the Parliamentary Jazz Awards and the Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Awards, and Best Jazz Media at the Jazz FM Awards.

    A personal note: Mention is made of Bob Belden's treatment of Puccini's Turandot (on Japanese Blue Note) which was never released. I was told because the Puccini estate would not sanction. I had been able to parlay an e-bay sale with purchasing an (apparent) publicity pre-release...Buying same from some place in The Netherlands. $75.00 bucks...most ever I have paid for a single CD.

    (Box set of Albert Ayler 's Holy Ghost diminished me by $100.00).

    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 4353

    Originally posted by charles t View Post
    From the U.K. mag Jazzwise learn of the passing of Bob Belden just two days ago - Wednesday.

    Jazzwise, the UK's biggest selling jazz monthly and the leading English language jazz magazine in Europe, has changed the way jazz magazines look and think with a stunning editorial and design package that reaches out to both the new jazz audience and established fans – qualities that have led to it winning Jazz Publication of the Year at both the Parliamentary Jazz Awards and the Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Awards, and Best Jazz Media at the Jazz FM Awards.

    A personal note: Mention is made of Bob Belden's treatment of Puccini's Turandot (on Japanese Blue Note) which was never released. I was told because the Puccini estate would not sanction. I had been able to parlay an e-bay sale with purchasing an (apparent) publicity pre-release...Buying same from some place in The Netherlands. $75.00 bucks...most ever I have paid for a single CD.

    (Box set of Albert Ayler 's Holy Ghost diminished me by $100.00).

    "He quit the (Bluenote) job after less than
    year, citing conflicts between the life
    of an artist and the life of a record
    executive. (Mr. Belden died a day
    after Bruce Lundvall , who had run
    Blue Note for 25 years.)" - NY Times obit.

    Don't really know much of his playing but his liner notes for the RVG reissues were always very good and balanced. With no hype. AND a Kenny Dorham fan.



    • Alyn_Shipton
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 778

      BN if you have the Jazz file series I did called Hard Bop Soft Focus on C60s somewhere, you'll hear a lot of Bob talking about Blue Note reissues that he was producing, and also revealing the (slightly nerdy) extent of his fandom. He gave me some text pressings for the audiophile LP re-releases he co-ordinated (which I still have) and a pre-release copy of the Turandot (which I seem to have mislaid). He was great company, and a fine arranger, and he will be much missed. Bruce Lundvall, too, was a really excellent person - I spent an afternoon of his no doubt highly paid CEO time in his office listening to unreleased music by Max Roach that he was negotiating (unsuccessfully) to release. He was particularly nice about my Bud Powell book (having released the Club Kavakos sessions while he was at Elektra). We had a hoot judging the 2003 Montreux Saxophone competition, with fellow judges Jean Toussaint and Charles Lloyd. Great company...


        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 4353

        Thanks Alyn! I do indeed have those C90s in a lead encased box. Alway from speaker radiation, acid rain and salt sea air blowing in from the Atlanic cliffs.

        And UKIP.



        • Tenor Freak
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 1075

          A bad day in Bluenoteville - I always enjoyed Bob's liner notes, and Bruce was a big mover behind the label relaunch. It's always a sad day when folk whose work you admire die too soon.

          all words are trains for moving past what really has no name


          • Old Grumpy
            Full Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 3693

            I first read this thread title as Terrorist/Arranger!

            Sign of the times I guess...

            ... should have gone to Specsavers!


