JRR Playlist 140215

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  • Alyn_Shipton
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 778

    JRR Playlist 140215

    It can be found here: http://www.alynshipton.co.uk/2015/02...alentines-day/
  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38185

    Many thanks Alyn.

    I see you're on the last track!


    • aka Calum Da Jazbo
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 9173

      ... and how nice

      a pretty rootsy feel this week eh

      funny Buddy Rich never seemed the type to take LSD .....................
      According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38185

        Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
        ... and how nice

        a pretty rootsy feel this week eh

        funny Buddy Rich never seemed the type to take LSD .....................
        Oh I think Ronnie paid him quite well...


        • charles t
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 592

          Thank you, Alyn, for reminding me of the gems contained in the hard-to-find Joanna McGregor/Andy Sheppard: Deep River.

          (I couldn't believe that track 3 - Spiritual - was written by Johnny Cash. Talk about trans-substantiation!)


          • aka Calum Da Jazbo
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 9173

            But the thing is impossible, contradictory: it cannot be believed! It has to be only a figure of speech!" Well, indeed it cannot be really understood how it is possible. But if it is claimed it is impossible, then a definite contradiction must be pointed to, and if you believe in it, you will believe that each claim to disprove it as contradictory can be answered. For example, someone says: how can a man who is, say, six foot tall be wholly in this small space? Well, indeed not by the coincidence of his dimensions with the hole in space defined by the dimensions of the remaining appearance of bread: let us call this the "dimensive" way of being in a place. "But that is the only way for a body to be in a place! "How do you know? We believe that something is true of That which is there, which contradicts its being there dimensively. And certainly the division and separation from one another of all these places where That is, does not mean a division and separation of It from itself. So, considered dimensively, a thousand such diverse places can be compared to a thousand pieces of mirror each of which reflects one whole body, itself much bigger than any of them and itself not dimensively displaced. But when we consider That which the bread has become, the place where we are looking has become (though not dimensively) the place where it is: a place in heaven.

            It would be wrong to think, however, that the thing can be understood, sorted out, expounded as a possibility with nothing mysterious about it. That is, that it can be understood in such a way as is perhaps demanded by those who attack it on the ground of the obvious difficulties. It was perhaps a fault of the old exposition in terms of a distinction between the substance of a thing (supposed to be unascertainable) and its accidents, that this exposition was sometimes offered as if it were supposed to make everything intelligible. Greater learning would indeed remove that impression. For in the philosophy of scholastic Aristotelianism in which those distinctions were drawn, transubstantiation is as difficult, as "impossible", as it seems to any ordinary reflection. And it is right that it should be so. When we call something a mystery, we mean that we cannot iron out the difficulties about understanding it and demonstrate once for all that it is perfectly possible. Nevertheless we do not believe that contradictions and absurdities can be true, or that anything logically demonstrable from things known can be false. And so we believe that there are answers to supposed proofs of absurdity, whether or not we are clever enough to find them.
            angels do not sit on the heads of pins but the point no?

            ... who was going to get cosmic first. What I didn't know was I was already cosmic ...
            According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


            • charles t
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 592

              Originally posted by charles t View Post
              Thank you, Alyn, for reminding me of the gems contained in the hard-to-find Joanna McGregor/Andy Sheppard: Deep River.

              (I couldn't believe that track 3 - Spiritual - was written by Johnny Cash. Talk about trans-substantiation!)
              Damn...I wandered into the wrong blog (re: Deep River).

              Of course, it's Josh Haden's SPIRITUAL. Yea!

              Last edited by charles t; 14-02-15, 16:44.

