Margaret Thatcher dies

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  • MrGongGong
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 18357

    Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
    Fair game, I'm no professor. Glad you didn't dispute the chimp bit.

    Moving on, ok, so you met the grand old lady back in the day when you were a kid, but it doesn't mean you know more about her than me.
    aaah yes but I bet you didn't P** on her lap ?


    • Beef Oven

      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
      aaah yes but I bet you didn't P** on her lap ?

      P.S. you were cute when you were a nipper


      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20578

        Originally posted by John Wright View Post
        Sorting out Scargill and the Falklands were hardly disasters. The miners suffered but Scargill was just as bad an enemy to them by not negotiating in a professional manner.
        Scargill was a fool in some ways, but when he said the Tories were planning to close 70 pits, the government ridiculed him. He turned out to be correct, though not entirely. They closed far more than 70...


        • Eine Alpensinfonie
          • Nov 2010
          • 20578

          Perhaps she did not die today. Perhaps she died when her dementia became more severe. My own mother died recently after 12 years of the condition. Really she died when she was around 83, not 95.


          • teamsaint
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 25250

            We are going to be short of generating capacity shortly.Clean burn coal technology is available, and we have 300 years coal supply apparently.

            That is an awful legacy, especially as it was done in the name of class war.
            I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

            I am not a number, I am a free man.


            • Serial_Apologist
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 37993

              Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
              Perhaps she did not die today. Perhaps she died when her dementia became more severe. My own mother died recently after 12 years of the condition. Really she died when she was around 83, not 95.
              Exactly my experience of my own mother's passing, EA, except in your case the agony was far more protracted: did all my mourning 2 years earlier when she was no more the person who'd once known us.

              Gosh, Mum would have been 108 this very day - concidence, or what?


              • Resurrection Man

                Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.
                Margaret Thatcher

                Just a few worthwhile personal attributes clearly lacking from the majority of posters in this thread. Rarely have I seen such hate-filled bile coming from those who purport to 'care'. This forum has way too many nasty, mean-spirited lefties. Hypocrites the lot of you.


                • scottycelt

                  Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                  Scargill was a fool in some ways, but when he said the Tories were planning to close 70 pits, the government ridiculed him. He turned out to be correct, though not entirely. They closed far more than 70...
                  Scargill was no fool. He wanted to bring down the Government. He couldn't have cared less about the pits, the miners were only a means to an end..

                  According to WIKI ... (Scargill) is a Communist sympathiser[12] and has gone on record as a supporter of Joseph Stalin, saying that the "ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin" explain the "real world.

                  Thatcher's Government defeated him and his ultimate goal of a socialist revolution. That is why Thatcher is so detested by Marxists and other Leftists. Understandable. They lost the war.

                  Unfortunately a whole lot of innocent folk lost and suffered badly in the process, as well.

                  Arthur Scargill didn't.


                  • Ian Thumwood
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 4295

                    I grew up in the Thatcher era and it still amazes me that some people remain unable to assess just how pivotal she was in shaping the 21st Century. Without doubt, no Prime Minister of this country has had such a catastrophic social effect on the British Isles since the Napoleonic War. Under her stewardship selfishmess was promoted and the expense of social justice and rampart capitalism was allowed to flourish in such a fashion that allowed Globalisation with businesses being able to earn more GDP than some countries. I have argued before that it was the 1980's that will be recalled as the most significant decade of the 20th Century and not the the 1960's. Without Margaret Thatcher ,the banking crisis we have experienced the repurcussions of for over five years would not have been possible.

                    It is difficult to reflect upon her life with any degree of positivity. I think it is curious that some many events acredited to Margaret Thatcher have subsequently transpired to have been unsuccessful. The only thing that she truly succeeded in was destroying the Trade Union movement with the consequence that worker's interests are now in thrall of the economy . It is debatable as to whether this was indeed as great a victory as promised and there is now a crying need for moderate Trade Unions to protect the rights of workers. The hostilites in NI may have stopped but this was a consequence of Thatcher's policies being demonstrated to have failed and a conciliatory about face acheived far more in combatting terrorism that any of her heavy-handed approaches. How Republicans must relish the irony that Gerry Adams, a man once considered a terrorsist, would have ended the 20th Century evolving in to a greater statesman than his old adversary. Even the so-called victory in the Falklands effectively achieved little other than to promote Britain's historic view of itself. The recent, democractic vote in favour of links with the UK will prove more effective than the sending of the task force in 1982.

                    Ultimately, Margaret Thatcher's success was indicative more of two ineffectual Labour leaders in the honourable but passed-his-sell by date Michael Foot and the ridiculous, unelectable and smug Welshman, Neil Kinnock. Has Labour managed to choose a more charasmatic leader, Thatcher would only have served one term. I think her success was very much attributable to Labour's failure.

                    I've no doubt that the history books will recognise that Margaret Thatcher was ultimately a failure as a national leader. Her govt was frequently involved in scandal and was populated by the kind of people who should never have been allowed near parliament like Goeffrey Archer. The 1980's did offer a "Brave New World" and I think it is probably correct that the older industries were becoming less important in the 1970s - however was is not a UK-only predicament and affected the whole of the Western world. The old world needed to re-invent itself in the face of a shrinking globe yet it is not something that Margaret Thatcher can take any credit for and it would have hapened without her anyway.

                    If she has a legacy it is that she very much marks the point at which the government considered itself to be elected for serve the economy as opposed to the people who elected it. The social consequences of Margaret Thatcher's tenure was too severe and probably marks a turning point insofar that never against will the British public wish to elect an extremist politician and the desire for more centrist Govt.

                    It truly shocks me that, 30 years later, there are people willing to suggest that she was a great politician or even our greatest Prime minister since the equally ridiculous Winston Churchill. Margaret Thatcher is very much a lesson in history for the British people the way that Hitler, Mussolini, Petain, etc may be for our European counterparts. Whilst her stature may have been enhanced by the inevitable demise of the old Communist regimes, the long view must be less favourable. I would suggest that those people who have looked towards Boris Johnson as a "saviour" for this country only look at the example of his predecessor.


                    • french frank
                      • Feb 2007
                      • 30650

                      Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                      According to WIKI ... (Scargill) is a Communist sympathiser[12] and has gone on record as a supporter of Joseph Stalin, saying that the "ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin" explain the "real world.
                      Who is this Johann Hari who the quote links to ... ???
                      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

                        Fancy relying on WIKI as a reliable source of information. Fine as a stepping off point, but best taken with a very large pinch of salt. 'King Arthur' was despised by many on the left.


                        • Bryn
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 24688

                          Originally posted by french frank View Post
                          Who is this Johann Hari who the the quote links to ... ???


                          • EdgeleyRob
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 12180

                            Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                            Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.
                            Margaret Thatcher

                            Just a few worthwhile personal attributes clearly lacking from the majority of posters in this thread. Rarely have I seen such hate-filled bile coming from those who purport to 'care'. This forum has way too many nasty, mean-spirited lefties. Hypocrites the lot of you.
                            People who are/were very dear to me had their lives ruined by that witch (that's me being polite),obviously I won't go into details.

                            Rejoice !

                            (That's me done)


                            • eighthobstruction
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 6469

                              Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                              Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction.
                              Margaret Thatcher

                              Just a few worthwhile personal attributes clearly lacking from the majority of posters in this thread. Rarely have I seen such hate-filled bile coming from those who purport to 'care'. This forum has way too many nasty, mean-spirited lefties. Hypocrites the lot of you.
                              ....always be careful of a poster who continually changes their Avatar : Johann Hari
                              bong ching


                              • Beef Oven

                                Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                                ....always be careful of a poster who continually changes their Avatar : Johann Hari
                                Why's that?

