Margaret Thatcher dies

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  • John Wright
    Full Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 705

    Originally posted by Boilk View Post
    Oddly enough, my post just above (#55) shows that I do indeed know what the responsibilities of the armed forces are. I won't be joining the army/navy though, because unlike perhaps 80% of their contingent, I actually worked at school and got some qualifications which have spared me their fate.
    Boilk, yes I saw your later response, I can't weigh that up with your previous statement but never mind, too much trouble trawling back on this thread.

    As for the Belgrano, it's been argued relentlessly. The way I see it, being IN an exclusion zone means you will likely get attacked. Being outside an exclusion zone does not mean you become immune to attack, if you are at war and pose a risk to the enemy then surely you risk being attacked wherever (SAS and all that etc). I don't recall what, if any, 'agreements' were made between UK and Argentina during the conflict, in fact I don't think either of them declared war, so what that means well I don't know.

    I didn't know academic qualifications excluded one from conscription, it might happen! :o)
    - - -

    John W


    • scottycelt

      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
      You've got to be kidding, scotty! Where, if indeed anywhere, do your politics differ from the Tories?

      (OK off-topic, but you did choose to mention it here ).
      Well that is said by many Leftists about Labour and the Liberal Democrats too, S_A!

      Anyone who is not a Marxist must inevitably be a "Tory" ... I'm not ... If there were such a thing as the Pragmatic Political Party I'd probably vote for that.

      I've merely acknowledged some of Margaret Thatcher's widely-recognised achievements. Like many others.


      • Beef Oven

        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post

        Oh,, and the falklands was a war that should never have been fought.
        No-one likes wars ts, but when a fascist dictaorship decides to invade its neighbour, it is right to deal with it in the strongest way.


        • Beef Oven

          Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
          Well that is said by many Leftists about Labour and the Liberal Democrats too, S_A!

          Anyone who is not a Marxist must inevitably be a "Tory" ... I'm not ... If there were such a thing as the Pragmatic Political Party I'd probably vote for that.

          I've merely acknowledged some of Margaret Thatcher's widely-recognised achievements. Like many others.
          Thought about UKP Scotty?


          • teamsaint
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 25294

            Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
            No-one likes wars ts, but when a fascist dictaorship decides to invade its neighbour, it is right to deal with it in the strongest way.
            I don't really think there is much point in discussing it, Beefy,(though at another time it might be worthwhile) It's something I feel strongly about, and feel moved to express. Other people think differently, and i won't change their minds.I think we need to see conflicts and the arms industry for what they are. Manufactured.
            I agree that people who trample on other people's rights need dealing with firmly.

            Edit: Sadly there are a few people who like wars. The people who gain power and money from them. I'll not bother spelling out the guilty groups, as it's all too obvious.
            I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

            I am not a number, I am a free man.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
              No-one likes wars ts, but when a fascist dictaorship decides to invade its neighbour, it is right to deal with it in the strongest way.
              I quite agree
              so what happened in Lebanon then ?

              Consistency ? my arse

              and following on with the music theme ...........


              • amateur51

                Originally posted by John Wright View Post
                Boilk, yes I saw your later response, I can't weigh that up with your previous statement but never mind, too much trouble trawling back on this thread.

                As for the Belgrano, it's been argued relentlessly. The way I see it, being IN an exclusion zone means you will likely get attacked. Being outside an exclusion zone does not mean you become immune to attack, if you are at war and pose a risk to the enemy then surely you risk being attacked wherever (SAS and all that etc). I don't recall what, if any, 'agreements' were made between UK and Argentina during the conflict, in fact I don't think either of them declared war, so what that means well I don't know.

                I didn't know academic qualifications excluded one from conscription, it might happen! :o)
                What about moving away in an exclusion zone which had recently been widened?


                • MrGongGong
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18357

                  Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                  Thought about UKP Scotty?
                  I have bad dreams sometimes but they usually involve Elgar Oratorios


                  • Beef Oven

                    Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                    I quite agree
                    so what happened in Lebanon then ?

                    Consistency ? my arse
                    I agree. I did not invade the Lebanon. What's this 'consistency' issue you have?


                    • Beef Oven

                      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                      I have bad dreams sometimes but they usually involve Elgar Oratorios
                      It's all that cheese you eat too close to bed time


                      • MrGongGong
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 18357

                        Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                        I agree. I did not invade the Lebanon. What's this 'consistency' issue you have?
                        The Uk (and others) like to bang on about "democracy" and standing up to tyranny
                        but it only seems to apply when it suits us........ If the UK could sell arms to
                        North Korea they would overnight become a "friend" ...... the UK allows countries like
                        Israel to do what it likes including invading other countries without expressing any complaint
                        it's inconsistent and morally bankrupt ........ what about the "self determination" of the people
                        of Diego Garcia etc etc ..........


                        • Mary Chambers
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 1963

                          Can anyone explain, I wonder, why Thatcher is to have some special kind of funeral? I genuinely can't see why she should be treated any differently from any other PM, and I'm pretty sure they mostly just have fairly ordinary funerals. I suppose it might be because she was the first woman PM - not really a very good reason, but somehow I don't think it's that.

                          I haven't read all of this thread, so apologies if anyone has brought this up already.



                          • MrGongGong
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 18357

                            Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                            It's all that cheese you eat too close to bed time
                            Isn't it great though that the EU supports all those small scale cheesemakers
                            blessed they are indeed


                            • EdgeleyRob
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 12180

                              No tears will be shed by me,party time.

                              May she rust in peace (geddit ?).


                              • Beef Oven

                                Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                                I don't really think there is much point in discussing it, Beefy,(though at another time it might be worthwhile) It's something I feel strongly about, and feel moved to express. Other people think differently, and i won't change their minds.I think we need to see conflicts and the arms industry for what they are. Manufactured.
                                I agree that people who trample on other people's rights need dealing with firmly.

                                Edit: Sadly there are a few people who like wars. The people who gain power and money from them. I'll not bother spelling out the guilty groups, as it's all too obvious.
                                Yes, I agree with you. Just got to reconcile that with what's right when a fascist dictator walks into your sovereign territory. As you say, a discussion maybe for another time.

