Originally posted by amateur51
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Margaret Thatcher dies
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Beef Oven
Originally posted by MrGongGong View PostI it shows no "guts" to get someone to die on your behalf just incredible arrogance and a sense of superiority.
Originally posted by Julien Sorel View PostMr Pee. You had no qualms about posting a link to an article luridly attacking the recently deceased President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez.
What's the difference? Why is it OK to 'speak ill' of Chavez but not of Thatcher? (I have no problem with people 'speaking ill' of either. They were public figures. There's a public response to their deaths. Why must Thatcher be untouchable, whereas it's OK to say anything about Chavez?)
Surely you can see the difference?Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Boilk, I guess you have little understanding of what is a war, and what are the responsibilities of one's armed forces, and if you join the army/navy you accept that you WILL go to war when sent.
OK, what if the French invaded Guernsey - I expect most UK residents don't know where that is either.
Originally posted by Boilk View PostAgreed. The people of Leningrad might have shown guts during the 872-day siege, but the British people back in 1982?Didn't they just tune in to the BBC and ITN primarily for the 'excitement' rather than because of any allegiance to the inhabitants of a group of islands most of them didn't know existed up until then?
One person who did show guts was the late Diana Gould, who dared to ask Thatcher, in a BBC Nationwide phone-in, why she'd ordered the Navy to fire on a retreating Argentinian vessel - resulting in the deaths of several hundred- when it was apparently outside the exclusion zone.
Thatcher responded (with tacit support from Sue Lawley) with an attitude showing that she believed herself to be above being questioned and held to account by such a lowly "nobody".- - -
John W
Originally posted by John Wright View PostHey it's a bad thing to quote your own original message, but among all the foolishness on this thread I can't find a coherent response from anyone.
My conclusion is the clowns on this thread might be younger than me, I'm able to recall pre-Thatcher years, I was at university during the power cuts of 1972 and the three-day-week of 1974 and was a young graduate worker during the winter of discontent prolonged by feeble trade union management.
When I got into employment I worked with a client of Rover (then British Leyland) if you know what Red Robbo did at BL then I'm sure you can imagine what effect Red Robbo had on the business of BL's customers. Quite unbelievable what was going on. Thankfully Nissan, Honda and Toyota arrived on the scene and built efficient motor plants here in the UK, still here today employing thousands of British workers, building more cars than Robbo's BL. Wish I could take Red Robbo on a tour, and to attend team quality meetings.
Anyway I believe the Thatcher years certainly brought sanity to the trade union managers. Poor Tony Benn never agreed, but he might and not say so
do you recall the 'leave it in the ground' or words to that effect uttered by Edwards about N Sea Oil because of its effect on the value of the £ and therefore high export price of his products ...where did all the loot from N Sea Oil go?
lousy managers in trouble, golly not the City after the Big Bang eh?
all the publicly owned utilities flogged off so the boys in the City could make a bob or two and now those utilities are owned and run by publicly owned and run Spanish, French and German organisations ....
let us not mention the trains wreck we still suffer from ...
the Poll Tax
She did win both the Falklands and the Coal wars and credit to her; but we paid a very high price for her handbag and ideology it seems to me ...According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by Mr Pee View PostAre you referring to the Falkland Islanders? It was on their behalf that the troops went to war, when Argentina invaded.
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostHouse Rules
Please treat other members respectfully, even/especially if you disagree with what they are saying;
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Originally posted by John Wright View PostBoilk, I guess you have little understanding of what is a war, and what are the responsibilities of one's armed forces, and if you join the army/navy you accept that you WILL go to war when sent.
Originally posted by Mr Pee View PostOh get off your high horse Amateur. You are in no position to preach about treating other members respectfully; you are often the very last to show it; you demonstrated that the other day on the Obama thread and were quite rightly picked up for it. You make a habit of ridiculing, insulting, and belittling those with whom you disagree, and then you have the brass neck to come on here and start quoting the house rules as though you are some sort of model of good behaviour.
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
"Please treat other members respectfully, even/especially if you disagree with what they are saying;"
Originally posted by Boilk View PostOddly enough, my post just above (#55) shows that I do indeed know what the responsibilities of the armed forces are. I won't be joining the army/navy though, because unlike perhaps 80% of their contingent, I actually worked at school and got some qualifications which have spared me that fate.<kindly meant, not sarcastic>
bong ching
When we are sitting in the dark because of under supply of electricity in about 2 years times, we would do well to remember that Thatcher was responsible for locking up 300 years supply of British coal, a fuel that can now be cleanly burned.
And in the process added to the dole queues that she professed to dislike.
Oh,, and the falklands was a war that should never have been fought.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.