The opening act was someone holding up shreds of Latex and selling it as an explosion.
4' 33". You can't pop the same balloon twice.
I had a feeling there was something wrong but couldn't figure out what. A woman behind me said at the end, acknowledging something but not failure, "It's a museum piece." But later on it came to me that in fact it was the audience that were made, chose to be, were being a museum.
The programmer scheduling 4' 33" curates the audience.
4' 33". You can't pop the same balloon twice.
I had a feeling there was something wrong but couldn't figure out what. A woman behind me said at the end, acknowledging something but not failure, "It's a museum piece." But later on it came to me that in fact it was the audience that were made, chose to be, were being a museum.
The programmer scheduling 4' 33" curates the audience.