Birtwistle Double Bill (The Corridor & The Cure)

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  • edashtav
    Full Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 3680

    Birtwistle Double Bill (The Corridor & The Cure)

    Harrison Birtwistle: Scenas : The Corridor (2009) & The Cure (2015)
    Eurydice/Medea..... Elizabeth Atherton (soprano)
    Orpheus/Jason/Aeson...... Mark Padmore (tenor)
    members of the London Sinfonietta conducted by Geoffrey Paterson

    Recorded at the Linbury StudioTheatre, Covent Garden

    Just a "Heads-Up" to Boarders on this bathetic Prom weekend dominated by "10 Pieces" aimed at musical tyros rather than the "creme de la creme" of Radio 3 listeners.

    I thought that this double bill was like a double G&T - a real tonic. Superbly sung, played and conducted, it show-cased two pieces of echt-third period Birtwistle in interpretations that I cannot imagine being bettered. Gosh, these scores are so lyrical, so packed with invention, that they riveted me to my seat and the day's washing up was forgotten.

    Of course, this is a confirmed Birtwistle camp-follower writing to you, someone who first heard a score (was it his opus 1?) and saw the man himself at a Barber Institute concert over 50 years ago. I know that many boarders, scarred by encounters with "difficult" or "granitic" works from Harrison's early maturity, have become scared to revisit his music, but let me tell you that his final (?) period flowering shows Birtwistle's melodic brilliance; some of his harder edges have been rounded by the sands of time. His mastery of form and function remain undimmed. The works have a sub-text: would it really be a delight to be young and fair, again? These pieces are top drawer Birtwistle and show the composer embued with the wisdom of age. These terrific performances will, I feel, assuage some Birtwistle doubters.

    Does the writer have no doubts? Just one - these pieces worked so well as "Radio Operas" - but would I have enjoyed them as much live in the Linbury Studio? I didn't feel that I was missing a dimension - would the visual element have been a bonus or a nuisance?
  • Roehre

    Originally posted by edashtav View Post
    Harrison Birtwistle: Scenas : The Corridor (2009) & The Cure (2015)
    Eurydice/Medea..... Elizabeth Atherton (soprano)
    Orpheus/Jason/Aeson...... Mark Padmore (tenor)
    members of the London Sinfonietta conducted by Geoffrey Paterson

    Recorded at the Linbury StudioTheatre, Covent Garden


    I thought that this double bill was like a double G&T - a real tonic. Superbly sung, played and conducted, it show-cased two pieces of echt-third period Birtwistle in interpretations that I cannot imagine being bettered. Gosh, these scores are so lyrical, so packed with invention, that they riveted me to my seat and the day's washing up was forgotten.


    .... these pieces worked so well as "Radio Operas" - but would I have enjoyed them as much live in the Linbury Studio? I didn't feel that I was missing a dimension - would the visual element have been a bonus or a nuisance?
    Edastav, I couldn't have written this myself better.
    The broadcast was so transparant, so beautifully detailed, showing the third-period Birtwistle lyricism in all its aspects (a whiff of late Mahler at the very beginning of The Cure, and ditto late Stravinsky further down the score, at around 40 mins, e.g.), that I hardly can imagine this being bettered. I didn't miss the stage for a split-second.
    Only one little point: I'd think the soprano part were perhaps better served by a slightly "riper" voice, I found Elizabeth Atherton at some places too "light". But this is only a little, non-essential remark in the margin of a brilliant and brilliantly performed double bill.
    Last edited by Guest; 19-07-15, 11:57.


    • edashtav
      Full Member
      • Jul 2012
      • 3680

      Originally posted by Roehre View Post
      Edastav, I couldn't have written this myself better.
      The broadcast was so transparent, so beautifully detailed, showing the third-period Birtwistle lyricism in all its aspects (a whiff of late Mahler at the very beginning of The Cure, and ditto late Stravinsky further down the score, at around 40 mins, e.g.),{...]
      I concur with you, Roehre, that the broadcast was transparent & detailed (two words that can cause conflict in gauche hands!).
      I'd add to your invocations of the ghosts of Mahler and Stravinsky, the odd inflection by Britten, particularly in the instrumental lines.

      I'm glad you enjoyed this heart-warming "Hear & Now" broadcast as much as I did.


      • Daniel
        Full Member
        • Jun 2012
        • 418

        Thanks, edashtav, good to see the life blood pumping in this forum again. I didn't know these were on and am glad to have the opportunity to give them a whirl (erm, not that I'm part of any creme de la creme, sounds a bit indigestible ).


        • edashtav
          Full Member
          • Jul 2012
          • 3680

          I await your reaction with interest and hope the double dollop of Birtwistle doesn't give you nausea, Daniel.


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38194

            Er - sorry to be a pest, but is there anywhere I can find these on iPlayer?


            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
              Gone fishin'
              • Sep 2011
              • 30163

              Here you go, pest -

              Harrison Birtwistle's The Corridor and The Cure, with Elizabeth Atherton and Mark Padmore.
              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


              • Roehre

                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                Er - sorry to be a pest, but is there anywhere I can find these on iPlayer?
                should be here


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38194

                  Thanks to you both!


                  • teamsaint
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 25302

                    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                    Thanks to you both!
                    AND dont forget you can now download it to your tablet ipad style thing, and access it whenever and where ever the mood takes you, for the next 29 days.

                    Hurrah !
                    ( and thanks to Ed for flagging this up.)
                    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                    I am not a number, I am a free man.


                    • Anna

                      Oh, I listened to this! I just turned on without knowing what it was (missed the very beginning), thought to myself momentarily Good, it's Ligeti! Stayed listening, I did enjoy it and I'm not a Birtwistle fan at all. Definitely worth a listen for those who missed it.

