Walton's royal piece transfers brilliantly to the organ, and isn't that hard to play. (One can really milk the lugubrious middle-section tune, especially when it comes around the second time.) However there is something which has annoyed me for ever, and that is Herbert Murrill's arrangement. It's perfectly fine in all respects except that he gets the opening phrase WRONG. He write quaver/semiquaver rest/semiquaver followed by the correct minim, in other words dit-di DAAH. Walton wrote two semiquavers/semiquaver rest/semiquaver before the minim, i.e. dit-dit-di DAAH. As this is the main recurring motif of the piece I really can't understand why he got it wrong. Was it because in his day the organ wouldn't do a clean repetition of the latter?
Anyway, may I humbly suggest to any organist (a) who might consider playing Crown Imperial this weekend and (b) hasn't noticed the mistake have a quick listen to the original?
Anyway, may I humbly suggest to any organist (a) who might consider playing Crown Imperial this weekend and (b) hasn't noticed the mistake have a quick listen to the original?