Rieger organ in the Philharmonie, Paris

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  • Keraulophone
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 2002

    Rieger organ in the Philharmonie, Paris

    Olivier Latry inaugure l'orgue de la Philharmonie, Paris:

    En compagnie de Philippe Lefebvre, Bernard Foccroulle et Wayne Marshall, l'organiste Olivier Latry, titulaire du grand orgue de Notre Dame de Paris, inaugure...

    From the Rieger Orgelbau website:

    'Just like the nine other Concert Halls of the last decade from China, Japan and Russia the Paris Philharmonic is also getting a great new instrument. With its 91 stops on four manuals and pedal it is a Symphonic Organ on which an entire repertoire can be played.
    On purely aesthetic terms, the organ fits in perfectly with Jean Novel’s architecture. Just like the Tiers, it is airy and delicate, floating in space like a bird in gliding flight. A clever wall conceals and discloses them at discretion.'

    ...and a fancy white movable console, befitting Liberaces of the organ like Wayne Marshall and Cameron Carpenter.


    Rieger Orgelbau. Unser Name steht seit 1845 für höchste Qualität im Instrumentenbau. Heute zählen wir zu den größten Orgelbaufirmen weltweit. In unserer Werkstatt in Schwarzach, in Vorarlberg, bauen wir neue Orgeln für Kirchen, Kathedralen, Konzertsäle oder Hochschulen, sowie Kleinorgeln. Darüber hinaus restaurieren wir historische Instrumente.

    Please could someone explain the function of the unenclosed 8-stop Résonnance department? NDdP has one, I think, but the only reference I can find to it is 'the new stops of the resonance pedalboard'.