St Chad's RC Cathedral Birmingham
Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
Originally posted by Finzi4ever View Post'Shurely shom mishtak' - on the website having 2 pedal divisions, the second of the two clearly belongs to a different instrument...
Red Maple and dark red paint, gilded;
49 Spotted metal pipes with gilded mouths;
Department and Stop list
Pedal Key action Tr Stop action El Compass-low C Compass-high g1 Keys 32
1 Open Diapason 16
2 Subbass 16
3 Octave 8
4 Bass Flute 8
5 Superoctave 4
6 Mixture IV
7 Ophicleide 16
8 Trumpet 8
Positive Key action Tr Stop action El Compass-low C Compass-high c4 Keys 61
9 Stopped Diapason 8
10 Principal 4
11 Open Flute 4
12 Nazard 2 2/3
13 Fifteenth 2
14 Flageolet 2
15 Tierce 1 3/5
16 Larigot 1 1/3
17 Sharp Mixture IV
18 Cremona 8
19 Tremulant
Great Key action Tr Stop action El Compass-low C Compass-high c4 Keys 61
20 Bourdon 16
21 Open Diapason 8
22 Open Flute 8
23 Gamba 8
24 Octave 4
25 Harmonic Flute 4
26 Superoctave 2
27 Grave Mixture II
28 Mixture IV
29 Cornet V
30 Trumpet 8
Swell Key action Tr Stop action El Compass-low C Compass-high c4 Keys 61 Enclosed
31 Chimney Flute 8
32 Salicional 8
33 Voix Celeste 8
34 Principal 4
35 Tapered Flute 4
36 Gemshorn 2
37 Mixture IV
38 Bassoon 16
39 Trumpet 8
40 Oboe 8
41 Clarion 4
42 Tremulant
Console type Attached Stop type drawstop Label type plastic Pedalboard concave radiating
French style terraced layout
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Positive to Great
Swell to Positive
Positive to Pedal
Blowing Electric Tuning Eq Tmp
Balanced Swell Pedal
6 thumb pistons to each manual
6 General thumb pistons and toe pedals
Tutti thumb piston and toe pedal
6 toe pedals to Great
Swell combinations on General toe pedals
Great and Pedal Combinations coupled
General Cancel thumb piston
Sw-Pd and Gt-Pd thumb piston and toe pedal
Pos-Pd, Sw-Gt, Pos-Gt and Sw-Pos thumb piston
8 divisional and 8 general memory levels
Further information
the bottom octave of each manual has pneumatic assisters;i