On Breakfast this morning, Martin Handley played a recording of Britten's Antiphon, sung by Tenbury, for whom it was specially written. At the end, MH said he wasn't sure whether Lucian Nethsingha was conducting or playing the organ. Well, I'm pretty sure he was conducting...I'm sure Roger Judd will know.
Lucian (who later was O&C at Exeter for many years) elicited the trad head-voice from his choristers, but that is not to say the Antiphon was in any way effete or lacklustre...on the contrary, it had plenty of oomph.
For me the Antiphon inhabits the same sound-world as Rejoice in the Lamb which, incidentally, is being included in a live broadcast by the BBC Singers this afternoon at 3.30pm from St Edmund's Church, Southwold. There is also another chance to hear Britten's P&F on a Theme of Vittoria in he same concert.
Lucian (who later was O&C at Exeter for many years) elicited the trad head-voice from his choristers, but that is not to say the Antiphon was in any way effete or lacklustre...on the contrary, it had plenty of oomph.
For me the Antiphon inhabits the same sound-world as Rejoice in the Lamb which, incidentally, is being included in a live broadcast by the BBC Singers this afternoon at 3.30pm from St Edmund's Church, Southwold. There is also another chance to hear Britten's P&F on a Theme of Vittoria in he same concert.