St Thomas Fifth Ave NYC

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  • chrisjstanley
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 86

    For those deprived of their Palm Sunday Weelkes, Try the St T NYC Sunday Morning Eucharist at 15.05 in.

    Chris S


    • David Underdown

      The Choir, 1 May 2011 - "Aled Jones whisks us off to New York to find out about the only choir school in America, that of St Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York"


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
        • 13027


        If the date had been 1.4.11, I might have smiled.

        As it is, no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          Well, if you like the Allegri Miserere, then I earnestly suggest you catch the webcast of the St T's Wednesday Tenebrae service.

          Genuinely, IMO, the most moving and brilliantly sung I have heard in years if not ever. Yes, I know that sounds OTT, but it really is something to behold. And it is set in a long, sombre, less is more service, with some very fine plainchant passions, solo and small group.

          All through Holy Week, the men of the choir are singing the White Lamentations of Jeremiah - one a day at the noon day service and available on webcast as well.

          Do access these webcasts. Inspiring.


          • DracoM
            • Mar 2007
            • 13027

            Edward Higginbottom [NCO] is guest director of the annual Choirmasters' Conference at St T, and begins a series of Evensongs etc working with the St T choir of Men and Boys from Sunday, May 8th.

            Material included: canticles Gibbons Second Service, Watson in E, Byrd Second Service, and anthems by Leighton, Poulenc, Wesley.

            All can be heard live via webcast and on demand.


            • Magnificat

              Interesting to see who JS invites to this Conference each year. Andrew Lucas and Andrew Lumsden have been in recent years. Obviously a good indication of the premier division choirmasters in UK.


              • DracoM
                • Mar 2007
                • 13027

                Currently [June 2nd] available webcast from St T has some fantastic Messiaen organ playing topping and tailing, while the men sing a very fine Durufle mass liturgically. Worth it for the organ playing alone.


                • DracoM
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 13027

                  Just listening to Wells and their new music, BUT the Grier Mass St T / John Scott included in last Sunday's Eucharist beat the lot into a cocked hat. A terriific performance they gave.

                  Incidentally, the concert St John's Cantab gave in NYC on their recent tour is on the St J's website under webcasts.


                  • decantor
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 521

                    Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                    Just listening to Wells and their new music, BUT the Grier Mass St T / John Scott included in last Sunday's Eucharist beat the lot into a cocked hat. A terriific performance they gave.
                    I've heard the Abbey do that Grier, and it was pretty darn good, but it's fair to say St T's outgunned them. What you omitted to tell us was that St T's also included an electrifying performance of Gowers' Viri Gal in the same Eucharist. It's sad they are about to close down for the summer.

                    How do you navigate the St T webcasts, Draco? Do you listen to the whole 90 mins (I'd agree their Messiaen is worth hearing), or do you fiddle about with the progress bar, hoping to find the musical bits and dodge the sermons? I must admit that I visit NYC less often now that SJCC and NCCO have come up with their 'chaptered' webcasts (and rather better sound engineering too).


                    • DracoM
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 13027

                      Much of the time, I listen live right through from 10.30 p.m. midweek and while I am not much for the lesson reading - apart from the almost caricature Englishman in NYC, Fr Andrew, actually from Yorkshire [just hear him say 'Sanit Leeyuke's Gospel'. Wonderful] - I do listen to the sermons if Fr Austin is on - a remarkable thinker and priest. But at other times i do advance the progress bar to pick all the sung bits.

                      BUT if you are, DO NOT miss their regular recessional of Ps 150 on the move unconducted, a feature of the most celebratory CEs. Next Sunday is departing choristers' choice of service material, and they will sing Ps150. Must bring a lump to the throat of every St T alumnus chorister. And they always include Durufle's Ubi Caritas.

                      BTW, I rather think John Scott programmes the Grier Mass around Ascensiontide most years, doesn't he?


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        And yes, sorry about forgetting the Gowers. It was very, very fine indeed. That lad singing is a true up and coming star and has chalked up a number of terriific solos this academic year.


                        • decantor
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 521

                          Thank you for your rapid reply to my query. I almost mentioned the treb soloist in the Grier in my previous post - great voice and nerves of steel: I trust he's not an 8th-grader now lost to the cause.

                          I do play with the progress bar, and it's cheated me of picking up on Ps.150 - is it always Stanford? - but I have encountered their Ubi Caritas. I do enjoy Fr Andrew's plummy voice emanating from the heart of should be in All Saints' Margaret St! I rarely indulge in the sermon (though there have been some good ones from St John's in the past). I don't know if Scott regularly programmes the Sanctae Trinitatis for Ascension, but it is undoubtedly one of Grier's better efforts - I've found much of his (secular) stuff rather arid. My CD version of the Gowers is by Scott at St Paul's, which is actually very close in value to the latest from St T's, and I assume he favours this anthem for Ascension - it beats Finzi, though I have a soft spot for Stanford's Coelos ascendit.

                          I'm still annoyed about the change of access pages to the St T webcasts: I can see no advantage in separating the service schedule from the music lists from the streaming link.


                          • DracoM
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 13027

                            Heads up for two guest choirs via webcast of Eucharists at St T:

                            10th July: St Catharine's College, CambridgeMissa Gaudeamus / Victoria
                            O Give thanks unto the Lord / Giles
                            Yiheyu Ieratson / Wohlberg

                            17th July: Choir of Merchant Taylor's School, Middlesex
                            Mozart / Missa Brevis K 65
                            Christ is the world's true light / Bach
                            Ubi Caritas / Durufle


                            • gainasbass

                              Originally posted by bach736 View Post
                              I thought it outstanding. The precision, articulation, phrasing and registration transformed it for me. The inter-related structure of the movements shone through and the third section achieved an almost ethereal quality that took it to a new level. It was like hearing it for the first time. A fitting end in every way.
                              Originally posted by decantor View Post
                              Thank you for your rapid reply to my query. I almost mentioned the treb soloist in the Grier in my previous post - great voice and nerves of steel: I trust he's not an 8th-grader now lost to the cause.

                              I do play with the progress bar, and it's cheated me of picking up on Ps.150 - is it always Stanford? - but I have encountered their Ubi Caritas. I do enjoy Fr Andrew's plummy voice emanating from the heart of should be in All Saints' Margaret St! I rarely indulge in the sermon (though there have been some good ones from St John's in the past). I don't know if Scott regularly programmes the Sanctae Trinitatis for Ascension, but it is undoubtedly one of Grier's better efforts - I've found much of his (secular) stuff rather arid. My CD version of the Gowers is by Scott at St Paul's, which is actually very close in value to the latest from St T's, and I assume he favours this anthem for Ascension - it beats Finzi, though I have a soft spot for Stanford's Coelos ascendit.

                              I'm still annoyed about the change of access pages to the St T webcasts: I can see no advantage in separating the service schedule from the music lists from the streaming link.
                              Isn't Ps 150 usually sung in recession to Talbot's chant, as GH got the idea from FAJ when at York?

